People pushing for an Article V constitutional convention, also known as a con con, want to open up our constitution to all kinds of bad changes. For many supporters, the obvious risk does not faze them. When you talk about how Congress would control the convention, how judges would have their hands in the outcome, or how the whole thing could be controlled by special interest groups, they will often admit that all those things could be true. Yet, they continue to push for this silver bullet solution simply because they see no other way to tackle the corruption of the federal government.
That is the same line con con hucksters have been pushing for years. From the time Ronald Reagan was president, they were saying that America has no other hope but a con con. They say that anyone who points out the risks of a con con are just paralyzed by fear. Neither one of those claims are true. The prospect of losing our beloved founding document is not an irrational fear. Many constitutional scholars have affirmed it to be a very real possibility. No amount of schoolyard taunts about people being too “chicken” to go along with a con con will change the facts.
However, the real problem with the broken record of con con is when they try to tell conservatives that grassroots activism is meaningless. They say that nothing but a con con will make things better for America. They say that getting the right people in office and pushing good legislation is a complete waste of time. That kind of talk is more dangerous than anything a liberal could say.
The truth is, the tireless efforts of American patriots does matter. Getting the right people in office does matter. If you look back at the last year and a half of President Trump, you will see that strong leadership from a true conservative can make a difference. Don’t give up the fight and opt for some silver bullet constitutional convention. True grassroots conservatism is the only real way to make America great again.