In What You Need to Know, Notre Dame is burning. Like what I saw in Venice where saint marks was falling down.;
College will now accept transgender men;
Dr. Brett Decker on rebuilding Notre Dame
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A Joe Biden presidential run ‘doesn’t particularly animate me’
In Swamp News, Shepard Smith has to abruptly end an interview with a French elected official.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, Boeing rebranding, sanctuary cities, agree with Cher, Rep. Omar, Tiger Woods, Notre Dame;
Europe wants Trump;
Lori Viars on the Heartbeat Law
Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: Happy Tax Day America!
In Your Turn, Notre Dame may not be able to be saved; What happens to Title IX if there are no more genders in sports?; AOC invited to Glastonbury.