In What You Need to Know, President Trump Signs USMCA; Jeremy Morris on JURY SIDES WITH MORRIS FAMILY IN THIS UNUSUAL CHRISTMAS STORY; Jerry Bowyer on Time for the Kudlow Plan and USA’s GDP; Pastor Michael Sust on The Phyllis Schlafly Christmas Festival; In Swamp News, The Republican Party gave voters little reason to support it in the midterms.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, Alaska earthquake, Alan Dershowitz, and a good developer; Grover Norquist of Americans For Tax Reform on a proposed carbon tax bill; Julie Kelly on Bill Kristol’s article on Putin; Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: #MeToo Doesn’t Want Impartiality; In Your Turn, Defeated Sen. Claire McCaskill says she was hurt by Democrats’ mishandling of Brett Kavanaugh accusations and District of Columbia clerk and a supervisor refuse to accept a New Mexico man’s state driver’s license for a marriage license. The reason? They thought New Mexico was a foreign country.