In What You Need to Know, Ed’s predictions for next week: Republicans hold the Senate by at least 56-44. Tomorrow, Ed will pick the House total; Fox News Poll: McCaskill And Hawley U-S Senate Race A Dead Heat; Trump ad that didn’t include Trump reminds Ed of Reagan’s morning in America ad; Illegal immigrant Trump ad says “Making America Safe Again”; Grover Norquist on Democrats Threaten Corporate Tax Hike if Elected to Congress and Americans Pay Lower Utility Rates in All 50 States Thanks to GOP Tax Cuts; In Swamp News, Trump to make immigration remarks Thursday afternoon; The White House is weighing options to limit asylum seekers’ entry into the U.S.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, Luis Bracamantes video, talk with President Xi of China, Rick Breckenridge and congratulations to Matt Rosendale, Walker Stapleton, and Illegal immigration affects the lives of all Americans video; Author Ron Kessler on his book The Trump White House: Changing the Rules of the Game; The Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: Citizen’s Duty is to Vote Next Tuesday; Louie Gohmert defending Steve King; In Your Turn, birthright citizenship and registering for the draft.