When it comes to politics, it’s all about the money for most people. Americans see this problem. What some might not understand so well is where that money comes from. Sure, there are plenty of smoke-filled back rooms where money is passed through a special interest group to a politician. Nobody denies that stuff happens. However, what you’ve got to realize is that the money doesn’t always flow in that way. Another huge source of money and power comes in the form of the federal census.
As per the Constitution, the federal government is required to count the entire population of the United States every ten years. The Founding Fathers didn’t put that requirement in there just to satisfy everyone’s curiosity. Who lives where is the key to how the U. S. House’s 435 seats are divided up among the states. Don’t forget about the Electoral College, which is also divvied up on the basis of population. If citizens are leaving a particular state in mass numbers, it can be a huge blow to their political power. Another factor to consider is the apportionment of federal dollars. Just think about how much money the federal government doles out every year on education, welfare, infrastructure, and more. A lot of that is divided based on population through the census.
With such high stakes, you can bet greedy politicians are eager to nab more cash for their states. That’s where the census comes in. Liberal states with hordes of illegal immigrants would like nothing better than to have those illegals counted in the census. That would mean boatloads of extra cash for those states. That’s why certain states have sued whenever the Trump Administration announced that everyone who took the census would be required to answer the question of whether they are citizens or not.
To the average American on the street, this makes complete sense. How can we have an accurate counting if we don’t know who’s a citizen? However, sense doesn’t mean much when the Swamp runs the census. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the citizenship question couldn’t be included. This is a warning to all of us. We need to be vigilant against all of the Swamp’s power-grabbing schemes, not just the back room deals.