For Immediate Release: June 26, 2019
Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director
Washington, D.C.: In 2016, presidential candidate Donald Trump shocked the political world when he released a short list from which he would select his Supreme Court nominees. Such a transparent move had not been made by any other presidential candidate in recent memory.
“Nancy Pelosi vowed to lead with openness and transparency, but Congress has fallen flat on its face when it comes to leading. Democratic presidential hopefuls can pick up the slack and show American voters transparency right now,” said Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. “Phyllis Schlafly Eagles is calling on every Democratic presidential candidate to release a short list of judges from which they would choose to fill a Supreme Court vacancy. Candidate Trump showed leadership when he gave American voters a way to evaluate his judicial philosophy. Democrats must now give Americans the same chance to examine their choices for the High Court.
“I’m sure we’ll find a laundry list of judicial activists, ready to erode our every existing right and fabricate a dozen more that aren’t actually in the Constitution. Democrats should be open with the American people about their judicial philosophy.”