The new Trump Administration is exactly that — totally new and totally different. Trump 47 has many of the same features we have come to know and love, but with new players and renewed values. That’s why you’re hearing today from a different voice on these broadcasts. Mr. Ed Martin resigned his position as President of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles to accept a role as the interim United States Attorney for the District of Columbia. On day one of Donald Trump’s new administration, Ed walked into his slice of the Department of Justice and swiftly began enacting the President’s agenda.
That included enforcing Trump’s pardons for the persecuted January 6 protestors and pro-life activists. It also includes many letters of investigation against current and recently former bad actors who abused federal power against We the People. In each of these situations, Ed is at the tip of the spear in radically reorienting what was once the crown jewel of America — our Justice System. For too many years now, under the watch of both political parties, the Department of Justice and the FBI, alongside countless other alphabet soup agencies, have served the Deep State, and been unaccountable to the citizens of the United States and their elected officials. Now, with Ed Martin and other Trump appointees falling into place, the DOJ and the FBI are again starting to what they were created to: protect the innocent and pursue the guilty.
And while Ed Martin is no longer the president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, he will always be an Eagle and will certainly remain close by. You’ll likely still see him at our events and even hear him on some of these broadcasts. There is much work to be done in restoring our Constitutional Republic, and President Trump found a fantastic role that fits our old friend Ed Martin incredibly well. We are thrilled and will continue to pray that the Lord strengthens and protects Ed and his family. In fact, there are many incredible new, exciting names in the Trump administration, and we will introduce you to many of them in the coming months.