What You Need To Know about Biden’s worst week as President. Andrea Kaye, guest host of the #ProAmericaReport, explains how this has been the worst week of a President’s administration. She also breaks down the Biden Administration’s top 3 agenda items: 1. Seizing control of our elections, 2. Seizing control of our economy. 3. Seizing control and ushering us into their Marxist utopia.
Trent Talbot, Founder and CEO of Brave Books, talks about Fox Business Reports… Conservative Children’s Books Launch ‘Matrix’ Parody Video Ahead of ‘Matrix 4’ Release. He explains the importance of pushing back against a culture that is trying to brainwash our children. Trent is also the author of the upcoming adventure called The Fight for Freedom Island. Check out Bravebooks.us.
Adam Andrzejewski, founder of Open the Books, talks about his Fact Checking Fauci Senate Testimony. He’s also proud that, “our investigation into Fauci’s big salary published in our column at Forbes led the discussion.” Check outOpenTheBooks.com.
What You Need To Do is Get involved at the local level. Get active because the most impact you can make is at the local level. Take classes on how to run and get involved!