What You Need to Know is Queen Elizabeth II has Passed away. She lived until the age of 96 and reigned as Queen of England for 70 years. Her son, Charles, is now king of England. He has some very big shoes to fill. Queen Elizabeth, like Phyllis, led a long and eventful life!
Madeline Malisa, Senior Research Fellow at the Foundation for Government Accountability, talks about Ranked-Choice Voting: A Disaster in Disguise. Madeline explains what Rank-Choice voting is and why it’s being pushed by the progressive left. Check out TheFGA.org.
Tony Lyons, president and publisher of Skyhorse Publishing, talks about Did Bobby Kennedy Junior’s book force Anthony Fauci’s Retirement? Tony explains that they sold one million copies of The Real Anthony Fauci even after the left tried to censor it. Be sure to get your own copy here and check out Skyhorsepublishing.com.
What You Need to Do is be warned because Steve Bannon is being hunted and if you’re a MAGA American you’re next!