Every fall as students go back to their college campuses, we see even more ridiculous antics and thought police outrage from the radical left. In just a few short years we’ve gone from “free speech zones” and “safe spaces” to the total disregard of the First Amendment and violent riots at the slightest sound of conservative speech. Parents and students alike are concerned – and rightly so – about not only the education, but now the safety they will find on campus.
It’s time for students of all political, social, and religious views to stand up and fight back against the radical leftist authoritarians run amok. Students must recognize that the true marketplace and exchange of ideas is quickly disappearing. Students are arrested for distributing the Constitution. Mobs shut down events, vandalize property, and even violently attack individuals. School administrations openly block and rebuke student groups with conservative or even moderate viewpoints. Suppression of free speech is now the norm.
The first line of defense against these flagrant violations of our Constitutional rights is the student body itself speaking up for and acting for freedom. Students should be equipped and know what their rights really are! One way students can take a stand is by signing petitions like the one at ChangeMyCampus.org. In these mass signature efforts, students can call on their university or college to, among other things:
Eliminate speech codes that prescribe what students can say, and speech zones that limit where it can be said. End speech restrictions that violate rights and interfere with the ability to communicate openly and form campus groups.
End mandatory student activity fees that add to debt and compel students to fund others’ activism they might not voluntarily support.
Respect and protect the freedoms and Constitutional rights of students, remembering these are inalienable rights – not government granted gifts.
Reject the easy paths of succumbing to political pressure and censorship from the loud, aggressive factions! Defend the free exchange of ideas.
Phyllis Schlafly knew that today’s student will soon lead the nation. It’s imperative they learn how to understand and respect our Constitution, our God-given rights, and our wonderul nation.