For Immediate Release: August 1, 2022
Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director
Washington, D.C.: “The House of Representatives shoved through a new ‘assault weapons’ ban, and even several Democrats voted no,” said Phyllis Schlafly Eagles President Ed Martin. “In the process, House Democrats (and a couple of Republicans) laid bare their abject ignorance of the subject of firearms, history, and law, and showed a flagrant contempt for the Supreme Court’s recent and historic landmark decisions. It’s obvious that not only does Congress not know what they’re talking about, they patently don’t care about checks and balances unless it suits their political agenda.”
The House Judiciary Committee participated in a depressing and laughable hearing leading up to the passage of H.R. 1808 on the floor late on Friday. Throughout the Judiciary’s markup, Democrat committee members exposed hilarious flaws in their understanding of the mechanics of firearms and the basic legal principles of self-defense.
“Most tragic of all,” Martin continued, “was the blatant dismissal committee members gave to the Supreme Court precedents of Heller, McDonald, and Bruen. Their words on-the-record last week were a far cry from the dogmatic adherence to stare decisis they preached about abortion just a few short weeks ago. The Senate has an opportunity to put an end to this assault on the rights of citizens and the balance of our judicial branch. I pray that they consider their votes wisely and vote to check the House’s radical agenda to disarm Americans and neuter the judicial decisions they simply don’t like.”