What You Need to Know is within the three fronts of battle, the law, the Constitution, and propaganda, that is dissemination of information, we must hold onto and share the truth. 1. Be not afraid. 2. Anchor yourself in your faith and the truth, not the propaganda. 3. Build your community of people who value the truth, and fortify each other.
Who are the Trump voters? I talked with Pete Sessions for the answer. Trump supporters voted for Republicans in Congress in order to promote the Trump #MAGA agenda. So who are they? 1. They believe Donald Trump is the first politician in a long time willing to fight for them against special interests; and 2. They want our government to put #AmericaFirst.
Political correctness and our lack of confidence to speak truth. A tactic is used to tie a truth to an position or group, and then if you believe that truth, you must agree with that group. If you are against masks, you are against science. In America we used to have associations, with our extended families, our schools, churches, communities, Scouts, etc. We would benefit from belonging to and working with some associations again.
Wrap up: The business model of the mainstream media is to make us hysterical. It has nothing to do with disseminating news, and certainly blocks any legitimate debate over the important issues of the day. I had my aha moment on this when I joined on Armstrong Williams FB Live for a legitimate debate on. This is what we need! I’m so grateful to Armstrong Williams for providing a platform for true debate and discussion of the issues we need to know about.