What You Need to Know about The Question of Conscience and Religious Freedom. We are watching the government mandate health care decisions on people of all different stripes. Politico: Military archbishop says Catholic troops can refuse Covid vaccines on religious grounds. At the heart of America, We the People expect respect and religious liberty for everyone in any type of religion. Threats to conscience by health mandates are unAmerican and are unacceptable.
John Schlafly, director and treasurer of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, shares this week’s Phyllis Schlafly Column — Biden Down to 38%. John explains that Republicans need to plan ahead for the 2024 presidential elections because the Democrats don’t have a credible candidate at this point.
Tammy Nichols, Idaho state Representative, & Eagle leader, talks about being put into Facebook jail after she posted links for some recent Project Veritas videos. Tammy discusses the Facebook whistleblower and also how Facebook needs to be held accountable for their inconsistencies. Check out her website — NicholsforIdaho.com.
Wrap up: Let’s talk about inflation — We are seeing gas prices at the highest they’ve been since 2014, grocery prices keep going up, and now social security will be increased by 5% this year because of inflation. This is a massive cost to the government.