What You Need to Know is appeasing the left will never work. We must not concede to their demands because it will never be enough for them! The Confederate Reconciliation Monument at Arlington National Cemetery was slated for removal yesterday, and even though a judge has temporarily halted the work, the prospects for saving historical monuments are grim. We must fight for our history and the story it tells, otherwise we lose the nation. We cannot give an inch to Woke Ideology.
John Schlafly, co-author of the Schlafly Report, joins Ed to discuss the critical importance of due process. Due process, as one of the crown jewels of the American Republic, is of tantamount importance in an age where a perverted rule of law is being used tirelessly to target the enemies of the left.
Col. John Mills (Ret.), retired army colonel and author of The Nation Will Follow and War Against the Deep State, joins Ed to discuss his experience working with the security agencies, and the ways in which the surveillance state has been turned away from defending us from foreign threats and instead is now focused on targeting American citizens.
Wrap Up: Corporate news companies are blatantly lying, but a lot of people don’t know better. As uncomfortable as it may seem, this Christmas may just be a good opportunity to have tough conversations and wake a few people out of the ignorant stupor of cable news in your family and friends.