Show Notes:
Rand Paul’s wife pens letter to Booker following protests, threats against husband; In The War Room, Eric Olsen of The Montana Eagles gives an update on which senators are against Kavanaugh; What happens next in DC?; Judge blocks Trump from ending protections for 300,000 immigrants; In Swamp News, Ex-Democratic staffer charged with posting senators’ private info.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, get both of Ed’s coloring books at, enthusiasm for Kavanaugh, unfair treatment of Kavanaugh, due process on trial, armed with the power of our vote, Now FBI’s 7th investigation of Kavanaugh, and Melania in Africa; In a new segment called Give Me One Reason, the mistreatment of Kavanaugh is the biggest mistake the Democrats have ever made; You have to have a reason to be FOR who you are voting for; What is the timeline of the Kavanaugh proceedings and what is cloture?; In Life of the Party, what will happen if Roe vs. Wade is reversed?; Victor Davis Hanson on his article Fallout from the Kavanaugh Hearings: A Permanent Cloud?; In Your Turn, be sure to subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts.