In What You Need to Know, The Judges Strike Back and blocks we the people with the census; we can’t even ask on the census if someone is an illegal alien?; Citizen Question Threatens Democracy, California Judge Rules;
Andy Schlafly on the latest Schlafly Report entitled ISIS Bride Is Not an American Citizen;
Macron Calls for ‘Real European Army’ to Protect EU from U.S.;
In Swamp News, AOC’s Chief of Staff Funneled Big Money From PACs to Private Corporations to Hide Donations.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, weirdo Tom Steyer, Republicans vote on wall, anti semitism;
Scott Presler on flipping seats to Republican;
Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: The High Cost of No Wall
Larry Elder on spending all day at Fox News and why the media didn’t take Trump seriously when he first announced he was running;
In Your Turn, talking about cow farts on the senate floor.