For Immediate Release: August 5, 2022
Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director
Washington, D.C.: “Despite the leftist fit being pitched, Gov. Ron DeSantis is well within his authority, and constitutional obligation, to show State Attorney Andrew Warren the door,” said Phyllis Schlafly Eagles President Ed Martin. “Mr. Warren is a state employee, who answers to the Governor’s cabinet no less. Taking state law into your own hands is certainly going to come with consequences, and Ron DeSantis has proven that he’s never one to back down from doing what’s right.
“As George Soros-backed district attorneys are swept into office across the nation, perhaps it’s time for more governors and state attorneys general to clean house rather than waiting for voters to do so. Our system of checks and balances was built for such times as these when elected officials blatantly ignore laws and constitutions to push their own political agenda. That’s not how the rule of law works. Good for Governor DeSantis as he continues to fight for his citizens and their constitutional system. We need public servants who will boldly stand up to the raw power of statist authoritarians.”