What You Need to Know is Democrats are quitting. You can see that Joe Biden is fading — even the media is losing steam about his campaign. I’ll bet you even see that in Fake News polls as we enter the last week. Also, look at ACB proceedings — Democrats didn’t even SHOW UP to the vote in the Judiciary Committee! They just quit. And they are starting to quit on Biden too. It’s absolutely incredible to see. The Trump Surge and the Biden Fade may just turn into a Trump Landslide.
John Schlafly talks about Trump and suburban women voters as well as this week’s #SchlaflyReport column: Honey, It’s Time to Vote for Trump. How does the ACB confirmation factor in?
Katie McCoy, writer and speaker, discusses her article Why Kamala Harris is the Worst Candidate for Christian Women. Also, we talk about where the culture is moving and how political parties are responding. Where does that land the election? Find more of her work and writings at her website BlondeOrthodoxy.com.
Wrap Up: Analyzing Joe Biden’s answer on Court Packing. He wants a bi-partisan commission to look at how to expand and pack the court? That answer couldn’t reek more of the swamp.