Yesterday was Constitution Day, the 231st anniversary of the signing of our great United States Constitution in Philadelphia in 1787. This week is an excellent occasion for every American citizen to study why our Constitution is so great, and to resolve to protect our Constitution against major attacks, foreign AND domestic! Let’s examine two of the main calls for harm to our U.S. Constitution we see in news today.
1 – First, there are several groups currently pushing the notion of calling another Constitutional Convention (called a Con Con) in order to pass a constitutional amendment favored by the group but which the Congress has not seen fit to pass. Some people are eager to have a Balanced Budget Amendment, some an amendment that would allow a majority of states to repeal acts of Congress, some a right-to-life Amendment. Although a Con Con is legal, it would be very foolish because, once a Convention is convened, it can make its own rules and set its own agenda. Phyllis Schlafly attended at least 16 national political conventions, and she knew that the guy with the gavel controls what comes up at a national convention, and the rules made ahead of time are really worthless. A lot of powerful people don’t like our Constitution or our structure of government, and they would seize the opportunity to make major changes. The fake news media would also become a big player in any convention. We’ll talk more on that starting tomorrow.
2 – A second attack on our Constitution is coming from those who want to change our constitutional form of government by abolishing the Electoral College. That’s the process by which our Presidents are elected. The Electoral College is the mirror image of the Great Compromise that the Founding Fathers worked out between the big states and the small states. The Electoral College has served us well for more than two centuries, and "if it ain’t broke, let’s not try to fix it."
Make Constitution Day meaningful this year by reading the Constitution and studying the text that all our public officials swore to uphold and defend.