The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome. Welcome, welcome! Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. And it is, well, it’s the beginning of an incredible week in Washington, D.C. I can say I started the week by going past the Supreme Court on early Monday morning when there was some speculation that there would be a US Supreme Court decision. There had been some folks who published on Twitter. Is that the right phrase? Put up on social media late Sunday night to gather at the Stanton Park to get ready to protest the abortion decision. And Stanton Park is just a few blocks from my office. When I got to the office this morning, police had sort of controlled all the streets, but it turns out there was no Dobbs decision. It could be this week. There are some more decisions coming out Wednesday.
But for us in the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles family, this week is Collegians. We have our annual Phyllis Schlafly Eagles Collegians Summit. It’s done almost entirely, virtually. And you can tune in, by the way, go to, and you can sign up there and you can watch the whole thing. It’s going to be fantastic, great speakers, incredible. Some congressmen. I think I may be a Senator or two, but the key thing is that we will have also have these policymakers and we’ll get updates on what’s going on with policy. So go to and you can sign up there and find out more free of charge. So don’t worry about that part of it.
So what is it that we need to know today? What do we need to say? Well, Monday marked another one of these ridiculous show trials, the Kangaroo court, the show trial of the January 6 select committee.
And I have come up with a couple of things that I want to say about this.
Number one, what you need to know is these really are show trials, right? And so we’re watching them and you have to watch them with an eye for what exactly are they trying to accomplish? What’s the plan here?
They’re going to have a couple of people who are publicly have stated that they oppose the argument that the elections were anything but perfect. Now, we all have said and I was earlier talking with Hans von Spakovski, the great lawyer and election expert, and I said we have to say over and over again at the beginning of any interview or conversation that there have been no courts that have found fraud. But that doesn’t mean that there’s not indications of irregularities that people see and are worried about. So January 6th select committee, these show trials, the Kangaroo court is, I have to say, incredibly un-American. It’s un-American because it’s one sided, first of all. But it’s presented as two sided, right, because there are two Republicans on the committee. It’s presented as somehow bipartisan, but it’s so slanted, it’s such propaganda. And then it’s being done just to destroy Donald Trump. They’ve sort of conceded that now.
And the unholy alliance that I want to point out to you, what you need to know in this case is who’s against Trump. Well, all the Democrats, all the Republicans that like the old order, the America Last order, all the media and all big tech, because the one thing he was a threat to was all of them.
Donald Trump’s approach was a threat to the establishment Republicans that liked the idea of open borders, multilateral trade deals, America last in terms of foreign policy, that we go and save the world, we spend billions and trillions all over the world.
That’s the Republican establishment, dominated by Wall Street, dominated by the defense industrial complex. That’s the reality. Nobody’s disputing that. That chunk of the Republican Party is small but powerful. Okay?
Now, all of the incumbent Republican class, the Paul Ryans, the Karl Roves, they hated Trump because he was an interloper. He didn’t go through their system that allowed everybody to manage all the ways, things, who succeeds and who fails.
So they hated him.
The Democrats, of course, hated him. And the media and Big tech hated him because he was not afraid of them. Most politicians, if they don’t admit that they’re afraid of the media, they certainly admit that they are intimidated by how things are working and they have to play the game.
Trump led the game.
Every other politician in this country plays the game that the media calls the tune towards. And especially now with social media, Trump was in charge. He was the band leader.
And so what you need to know is the powers that be, that are allowing the show trial, the Kangaroo court show trial, are all the Democrats who don’t like the idea of losing power, all of the deep state insider classes of people.
You can add them to the group, all of the establishment Republicans, all of the American Lasters, all of the neocons. I mean, you go down the list and you say, you say to yourself, why is it that there’s not a more significant resistance by anyone to the January 6 select committee? They’re holding these hearings and they’re allowed to have no real cross examination. Right? There’s no dialogue, there’s no American sort of due process, even in the perception.
I mean, it was the Lincoln Douglas debates. Douglas, at least was talking in the Lincoln Douglas debates that went on for however many debates there were nine or eleven in every other context in America, there’s debates for President.
This case, it’s pure propaganda. And as I told you, when big government, the select committee, big media, all the media outlets and big tech, all big tech, work together, they’re effective. They’re really effective, scary effective.
And so I was at an event over the weekend with some people that are 100% conservative, and the one woman turned to me and said, you know, I just think that if Trump wasn’t even listening to his kids, who said that it was all over, what was he doing? And I said, what are you talking about? She said, Well, I don’t know. I read something in the paper that Ivanka and Jared said that the election was over and he shouldn’t try.
And I said, you only saw the media cover a clip from hours long interviews of Ivanka and Jared.
It’s an engineer. It’s like watching, not a documentary, but a propaganda film.
And you’re not allowed to see the video of
the protests at the Capitol where there was violence. And if somebody was violent, they should be held accountable, no problem. I agree completely.
But what they did was they used audio. Did you see that? You didn’t even know this. If you don’t know to stop and look and think. In the first January 6th hearing, they took video of real scary violence. They selected it, right? They edited, I told you a video lies right now. You can never say a picture is worth 1000 words. A video is worth a million words. You just have to say pictures and videos lie, especially videos. Because they’re manipulated. So the manipulated video that showed real violence, real scariness. Okay, but they played audio over the top of that video. That was from a different context, still January 6, but scary back and forth. I’m scared of law enforcement. There was plenty of hours and hours of people saying this. So they managed it. It’s stagecraft. They’re not even hiding it. They’re not even pretending. They’re not pretending that what they’re doing is serious. They’re just keeping a straight face and they’re guided and they’re moved along by all the media and big tech and it’s working. And it’s working.
And again, I was there on January 6. I have never in my life thought or heard anybody I knew talk about anything other than, hey, we have a constitutional process. This is a point, January 6 of an ending. Why don’t we gather and make clear there’s a lot we’re worried about. That’s what we did. That’s what people did. Again, some people acted poorly. Fine. Again, someone does a crime, hit someone or something, that’s a real problem. But the reason people were there on January 6 is there had been enough serious signals, not just Donald Trump. He and his team were not particularly consistent or helpful even at saying what happened. We’ve experienced something in this election that doesn’t make sense.
And instead of allowing people to have that conversation, do you remember this? You were told if you have that conversation, if you say out loud after November 2020 that there’s something wrong here, you were told that you were really wrong. You were unamerican. You were undemocratic all this stuff. And again, four years earlier, Hillary Clinton’s people had done the same thing. They said, we don’t know, we don’t trust this. And nobody ran articles that said you’re unamerican. If you’re questioning that there’s no evidence in Hillary’s time there was plenty of discussion of how to get evidence and remind me I won’t say they’re hypocritical because hypocritical doesn’t matter. Hypocrisy is common, especially in politics. So don ‘t tell me that. What I’m saying, though is watching the power of big government, big media and big tech in these hearings try to brainwash, try to push the narrative and brainwash the American people is haunting.
It’s haunting. And one of the questions you have to ask, besides why won’t they have a serious discussion about doing more to make elections feel secure and transparent is what is it they’re afraid of with Donald Trump?
Because that’s who it’s all aimed at. They’ve now admitted that it’s about, in fact, some of them are saying they’re going to indict Donald Trump for people having a rally. Amazing, amazing moment.
The only thing scarier about this is that history is replete with times where government gets out of control. Government, not the people. Whatever you think of the people, whatever you think of the people, the people were held in check. Whether it’s at Hillary’s inauguration or I mean inauguration of Trump when Hillary’s people rioted or Antifa or black lives matter, they were held in check and they were on January 2. But the government doesn’t seem to be held in check right now. That’s what I’d worry about. That’s what I worry about. We’ll take a break.
We’ll be right back, Ed Martin here in the Pro America Report, back in a moment.