The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, Welcome, welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be together. A lot to cover. A lot happening, as per usual. Let me see here. Who’m I talking to in a few minutes? Oh, yeah.
Jason Thompson, this was a great guest. We’ll be talking in a few moments. Jason Thompson is the Georgia committeeman serving on the Republican National Committee who was in charge of the resolution that passed, I mentioned it yesterday, which says, hey, hey, hey, let’s have paper ballots. Let’s have paper ballots. Good start. Good start. Hand counting is what we need next. But paper ballots is a good start. The problem is if you just do paper ballots which is a piece of paper, you mark it with a pen or otherwise poke through it or something, paper ballot so you can track that, audit that, see that. The problem is, if you count that in a machine that’s controlled by somebody else, it doesn’t give you much confidence. But it’s a start, and it’s progress, and importantly, the RNC has no legislative authority, so it’s persuasive more than it is particularly proscriptive, proscriptive. Meaning nobody is bound by it but at least it gets people talking in the right direction. It’s a start, it’s a start. So we’ll talk Jason Thompson in a few moments.
Also a little bit later on we’ll also speak and get an update from Derrick Evans, my friend Derrick Evans, who’s running for Congress in 2024 in West Virginia’s 1st Congressional district against an incumbent Republican. Derrick was convicted, pled guilty to a misdemeanor from January 6th, served a little bit of time, 30 days, 3 weeks in jail, and came out and said, hey, look, he was already elected to the state house in West Virginia, and now he’s going up to the big House in Washington, D.C., Congress. Not the big house the jail but From the Big House to the Big House should be his book, I should tell him that. And, a good guy, so we’ll get an update from him on his race, on what’s going on. Funny thing that made me think of him, extraordinary, he posted on Truth Social a post of him, his mug shot and Pres. Trump’s mug shot, and then Pres. Trump re-truthed him, reposted Derrick Evans truth, pretty extraordinary, so we’ll talk with him.
But first, what you need to know. What you need to know today. Today’s WYNK. First of all, for what you need to know, is two things, One is go to and sign up for the Pro America Report’s WYNK, what you need to know email, comes out each day 8 am East coast, 5 am Pacific, sign up there adn get signed in. Second, if you’re in the midwest, if you’re anywhere in the midwest, get yourself to St. Louis,, You can go there and find out about Eagle Council which this year is on the 15th, 16th and 17th in St. Louis. It’s not expensive, but it will change your life. It’s the right people together. It’s awesome, so go to and sign up and you won’t regret it. We hope to see you there. We’ve got a great J6 event, we’ve got a great family, pro-family event, a big pro-life event. It’ll be awesome. Okay.
What you need to know today. I want to draw your attention to a very specific aspect of what’s going on. And it, as usual, as often happens, the attention was drawn to this by Pres. Trump. And you know the other day I talked about his comments on the Panama Canal and how they echoed with Vivek Ramaswamy’s, and things like that.
But here’s one that he on his Truth Social network put out, a truth about this. And he said how is it that there can be an indictment, the January 6th indictment among others, but how these things can be based almost entirely on the findings of the January 6th and he says, unselect committee. And this is right! Now we have seen that the select committee, that was Congressman Benny Thompson and Congresswoman Liz Cheney, they were the Democrats and Republicans who orchestrated this select committee on January 6th. It was selective about what was allowed to be seen. It was selective about how they edited video and embarrassed people and made people fear for their lives. That’s what happened to Congressman Barry Loudermilk. He’s had death threats because of the way they lied about him with video. The selective committee selectively chose snippets of video of depositions to try to make it look like one thing happened or another. And it worked. They had a couple of dozen hours, well, probably about 8 or 10 hours total of select committee hearings, but around it dozens and dozens of hours of TV coverage. So that two things happened. The country was brainwashed, and especially the D.C. jury and judiciary was brainwashed, to say that what was some acts of violence in a protest, might even call it a riot, and they turned it into an insurrection, which it was not. There’s no evidence of that, it’s never been charged. It’s not real. So, this selective committee, selectively editing, and then here’s the trick that they did. The selective committee, Cheney and Thompson, they deleted, they deleted the videos. I mean, they deleted and got rid of documents before they went out of office. They were voted out of office in the 2022 election, and so their term ends in the last days of 2022, actually the first days of 2023, and as they went down, they threw out this massive report, 750 pages, never mentioned the pipe bomber until 3 or 4 times in the footnotes on page 705. The pipe bomber. We had a pipe bomber targeting both major parties, they didn’t even get to it. The selective committee pushed out a report, deleted video – they admit this- we deleted video – got rid of whole sections of their investigation. Because WHY? This was not an investigation about the truth and facts. It was a political witchhunt. And it was used, it is being used, it has been created in order to spread lies about January 6th. Or at least say it this way, to not allow the truth of January 6th. In other words, if you distract people and brainwash them and get them talking about one aspect, they’ll never see the rest of the aspects, the facts. They’ll never, for example, if you don’t talk about the threat – there were two bombs placed in a place where they could have killed more than one, maybe a dozen, maybe two dozen, I don’t know how big the bombs were, we’ll never know. But it could have taken out the Republicans at their office building, the RNC, right behind the RNC and the Capitol Hill Club, or the DNC, right at the parking garage where the members drive in and where Kamala Harris, then senator, but vice president-elect, drove in that day. So, we have been fed a line as a nation from the selective committee and it really was the definer. It was the definer, because it was the Narrative Machine. What you need to know is the Narrative Machine worked perfectly when it came to January 6th. The selective committee of Benny Thompson and Liz Cheney, that selectively edited, selectively deleted, selectively lied, that committee promulgated stuff and big media and big tech took it from there. And they set oh, yeah, look at this, look at this, look at this. Here’s a snippet of a woman, she’s a 25 year old, 23 year old kid, she says x, y, z. We’re going to cut it, we’re going to cut the video in such a way it makes it sound like she said oh, the president did this. She’s a kid, she’s a staffer, and the rest of her video is deleted. So we’ can’t see what she said before or after. And here’s the point. Pres. Trump’s truth said, how are we trusting, how are we relying on the selective committe, the selectively deleting committee, the selectively editing committee, the selectively lying committee of Benny Thompson and Liz Cheney and the Congress. How are we supposed to trust them, and why are we relying on them? How does that even happen? How can that be a system?
What you need to know is it can’t be. And my call has been for the current Congress, the current House, to reconstitute and reconstruct the record of what happened. And see what they, the reality of what happened, and what was going on, and what you know, exactly happened on January 6th. The only way to do that is to make public all the aspects of this. And we’ll have to, for someone, for example, the transcripts. We do have the transcripts of the depositions, even though they deleted, they went ahead and deleted the videos, um, they went ahead and deleted the deposition videos. We have the transcripts. But we don’t know what else we’re missing. So we should just go ahead and have this massive reconstruction project and get the record of the January 6th Congress, of the House, of the House and the government get a huge record, post it online, including the video. Including the video. Then you can say to the public. Have at it. See if you can figure out exactly what the truth is here. Not sure you can, not sure you’d be able to cut through it, but you might as, this would be a better use of your time than trying to rely on what happened, what exactly happened, with the um, January 6th, and it would be made clear, by the way, what happened with the select committee, it will make clear that the select committee is totally fraudulent, totally political, and it’s a total hit job. It’s a fantastic opportunity. And when that happens, if that happens in say the next 2 months, it will shine the light on these cases, it will shine a light on these cases. These cases, these legal cases will at least have more light. Because right now what they’re relying on is intimidating witnesses, intimidating juries and jurors, intimidating judges! And prosecutors – into one way of thinking. What you need to know is there is a path to shine a light on January 6th, and it runs through the current House, the Republcans in the House. They just have to have the courage to do it. Well, that’s what you need to know.
We’ll take a break. We’ll be right back. It’s Ed Martin on the Pro America Report. Back in a moment.