The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, welcome. Welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be together. Don’t forget, visit Get yourself updated on everything that’s going on right there. That’s the most important place you can go for the truth for the truth. Now I woke up on Monday morning and I thought I’d be talking about blood bath. Blood bath was the newest hoax, the newest hoax of the hoax makers, the hoax makers who love to do things like the Russia hoax, the Charlottesville Fine people hoax, all these different hoaxes. Kind of gotta wonder, don’t you? If COVID was a hoax, but that’s another question for another day.
The Bloodbath hoax is that Donald Trump was talking about how if he doesn’t become president, the the the rapid deterioration of jobs in the country will continue. And he said, you know, if I’m not in there, it’ll be a bloodbath in terms of jobs. Well, the media has seized on this and said look at this. It’s violent rhetoric. And they went on and on and on and embarrassed themselves.
I got a text from somebody. Over the weekend, who’s I think he’s probably conservative generally, but he’s certainly not automatically Trumpist in his makeup. And he said these people are embarrassing themselves, and I agree, they’re embarrassing themselves in. In their zeal to make up the next hoax. It also feels a little desperate. Also feels a little desperate, and couple that with a detail, which I’ll go into later on this week. I’ve been tracking the number of senior White House officials leaving, and yes, it’s true that by the time you get to this point in an election cycle, you’re spending most of the. The most of the campaign, most of the life of the White House is on reelection. There’s not a lot of legislative stuff going on, but there’s a lot of politics going on and some of the big hitters have been leaving the White House. Are they jumping from a a, a fading and failing ship a sinking Ship. I will Talk about that later on in the week.
But first – Major story today Major story today, the headline of which I would say here on the Pro America Report could be this: Is it time for another Reece Committee?
In 1952 to 1954, there was a committee madeup of Congressman Reece. I think from Georgia, by the way, which is kind of a rich irony because of course the leading committee right now. That is taking up these questions of misconduct by the previous Congress and others is, of course, a congressman. Ohh no, I’m sorry, I got it wrong. A Congressman Reece, Congressman Reece, was from Tennessee. Tennessee and but the other, the other member was. That’s right. The other member was Cox. So Reece and Cox were on this committee. It alternatively was called the Cox Committee. And also the Reece committee. Cox is from Georgia. So is Barry Loudermilk, who’s heading up the House administration committee. But here’s what the Reece committee did.
By 1952, we had seen in the country that there was a disproportionate impact of these organizations that have been founded by very, very wealthy Americans, and they had set up non profit tax exempt foundations. Rockefeller Foundation was one, I think Carnegie had one and they were running them under the tax code, and so they were tax exempt and tax exempt at the time was not just tax deductibility. It was more importantly, that you didn’t pay taxes on other things you were doing. You didn’t have to pay sales tax, for example, you didn’t have to pay taxes. I mean, you were exempt broadly.
So the Reece committee, I’ll call it, and it it generated something called the Cox Report. But the Reece committee went ahead and dug into this. And actually the report. I apologize. I’m. I’m. I’m slipping. The the report was called Dodd. The Dodd report was done by Norman Dodd, who was the executive director of that committee and so the Reece committee digs into these foundations. They basically found out that they were running a scam, you know, running a running with very little supervision with very little ability to know what they’re doing, getting a huge benefit.
Well, the story that’s out today from Deroy Murdoch, the journalist who is so good and then sort of a long form Investigative journalist came out late last night and the fact is this.
Georgetown Law school. Protected by a501C3 tax-exempt status, getting huge benefits by that status: tax exempt from paying taxes, tax exempt in terms of getting contributions that pay for it, and Deroy Murdoch, who himself graduated from Georgetown University, broadly, is wrote this incredible piece in the American Spectator which catalogs That all. Well, that’s not fair. Many of the most prominent and influential Of the anti Trumpers end up at Georgetown Law School.
So you say, Well, how can that be? I mean, was that is that really possible? Yeah, it’s really possible. And it’s not just John Podesta, you know, John Podesta is an obvious one. Peter Strzok. Peter Strzok the the, you know, it should be disgraced member of the FBI. Right. He’s the guy that had this extramarital affair and was saying, don’t worry. We’ll get an insurance policy. We’ll get him all that kind of stuff Peter Strzok. So you got John Podesta. Peter Strzok. But even those. Are not the big ones.
The big ones at this point you have to focus on. Are a woman named Mary McCord. Mary McCord has been. You know, at the center of a lot of the opposition to Donald Trump. Lawfare opposition, she served in the administration. She’s now an executive director of a special project. And she when she was in the administration, she was in the Defense Department. She’s written and talked about how it’s so, so important to stop Trump. She’s written and talked about she’s. Excuse me. She participated in the in Mike Flynn and the Mike Flynn framing the frame up There. She’s worked with the Michael Atkinson, remember that to create that fraudulent whistleblower complaint? She’s she’s been in the middle of all this stuff.
And another woman named Rosa Brooks. Now, Rosa Brooks has a really senior job over at Georgetown. She’s a professor and associate Dean for what’s called Centers and Institutes. So she makes up these institutes. That’s what Mary McCord heads up. She heads up an institutes now they make up these institutes. They go out a lot of times they go and say the donors, hey, give us money. It’s like David Brock does. David Brock goes to donors. And says here’s a plan, give me $10 million. I’ll set up these nonprofits, and I’ll do this. Well. Georgetown University School of Law is running this for leftists opposing Trump. You need to read this extraordinary piece from a Deroy Murdoch.
And you need to get to the Very last line and you’ll see what Deroy sees. Here’s the last sentence: Congressional investigators should answer these questions and give Georgetown University the tough love it needs to become once again the center of balanced intellectual inquiry that I recall so fondly.
He went there. Georgetown University received $970 million over a six year period, almost a billion dollars. Can you believe it, I mean? We’re talking about. Real, serious, serious money, federal tax dollars. And when you read the specifics, he calls it of course, Deroy Murdoch is a very gifted writer, and he has a great title for it, and the title is, of course. Make you smile, Hoya Gate Georgetown Law is Vatican of Trump Hatred and then the sub headline is the one that pays. Despite enjoying tax-exempt status, the institution is viciously partisan.
That right there, my friends, is what you call the phrase that pays, because that’s that says it all. And it is really clear and you don’t need any doubt, viciously partisan. I think you know whether it’s a Reece committee or whether it’s a some kind of investigation coming out of a Congressman Barry Loudermilk’s House Admin Subcommittee on oversight. Whatever it is, the reality is that something’s gotta give.
And let me be clear. You know, there’s a number of ways that a an examination of Georgetown Law could lead to Understanding what the universities are doing. It also could lead to what nonprofits are doing. There’s a lot of nonprofits that are set up that hide behind that, that that sort of sheen of protection because they are a non profit and a lot of times they are, you know, CREW as example citizens for responsibility and ethics in Washington, that was set up. That’s just a pure front group that is designed to attack Republicans. They don’t hide it, they don’t hide it at all. I mean, it is not something that they’re shy about when they’re when you go look at CREW, but it.
So my point here is that a Reece committee that would start with The Georgetown Law problem and perhaps focus on universities only, but it could expand to others. It’s probably necessary, and it would lead to a lot of questions because there are thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of nonprofits have started, and many, many of. Them are are, are, are. Of course, actually just, you know, trying to do good things and they’re they’re not nefarious and they’re they may be set up to take advantage of the tax code, but they’re not set up to take advantage of we the people. They’re not doing that. But the conversation about the ones that are gaming the system.
Another example is Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is a 501C3. Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood of the United States. That does so many abortions In this country, in fact, the dominant abortion provider, they are 501 C3 they receive. Ohh, I think is it is it $654 billion per year, maybe higher than that. I’m embarrassed to say that I I don’t have it off the top. Of my head, I’ve been talking about it for weeks. So they received, by the way, close to a billion dollars of tax exempt dollars. When you add in USAID, foreign aid, that goes to Planned Parenthood International. So that’s another example.
But my point here is you also sweep up some nonprofits that are about, you know, getting books out to schools and things that we would want to do. And you, you say, well, is going to be damaging now maybe, maybe. But we have to have some sort of accountability. We have because we’re creating this separate class of basic quasi-government entities, Planned Parenthood with a a billion dollars of US money. You know Georgetown University with a billion dollars of US money over this five for five or six years and then using it to play partisan politics.
You don’t see Hillsdale doing that. You don’t see Hoover Institution over at Stanford doing that. You just don’t see it. There’s no evidence of that. And so it’s a one-sided use of those, which is the same thing that happened when the Reece committee started. So there you have it. Take a look. I’ll post this article up on social media. Very important, very important. Georgetown, HoyaGate, HoyaGate and the new Reece committee needed be back in a moment. Ed Martin here on. The Pro America Report.