The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Hey, everybody. Welcome, welcome and welcome to the Pro America Report, this is Ryan Hite, filling in today for Mr. Ed Martin. Glad to be with you and cover a few things today that are incredibly important. Some good stuff that I think needs to be talked about.
But let me go ahead and start off the show by reminding you go over to also those places you can find not only Ed Martin’s writings, but you will find all of the show notes, all of the resources, all of the links. You’ll find all the podcasts, all the stand alone segments of our wonderful guests. So a lot of the Wrap ups and the what you need to know segments and all of the different things will be there., you will not want to miss it and most importantly you can sign up for our email list. Get on the Ed Martin e-mail list and I promise you that that will be worth your time. Particularly every weekday first thing in the morning, 7:00 central time and all the other time zones and their appropriate hour of the day. You will get the what you need to know. The WYNK e-mail, super short, super fast. It’s going to tell you a couple things you need to know and then give. You just a handful of links. For news stories that day, sometimes it’s what everyone else is talking about with the little analysis you should hear, but other times we’re going to cover a lot of things that mainstream and even some conservative news outlets just aren’t covering. So it’s worth your time worth your while. Do yourself that favor, in fact, you to sign up a friend. I mean, maybe you ask them first. Don’t just do it without their consent, but sign up a friend to tell them this is something good that they should get in on.
We got a great show. Today, Ed did get a couple of good interviews in I’m looking forward to hearing them. We’ve got Dr. Naomi Wolf back on the show with us. She has a new book out that I’d like to hear about Facing the Beast. That’s going to be a good conversation. I think they’re also going to dive into some of the current events here I. Always appreciate hearing. Her perspective and also our good friend Senator State Senator Tammy Nichols from Idaho, Tammy who is always a, just an incredible force for grassroots conservatism getting stuff done, looking forward to getting a report from her. She and Ed are going to have a good conversation. Coming up here.
But before we go any further before we get to these great guests, before we talk about anything else, there is something big that needs to be talked about, something that you need to know about and it could be several different things. In fact, one of these, but it could be that we need to talk about the Supreme Court adopting a a new ethics code, but that’s not good enough for Democrats. No, no, not good enough for Democrats. Of course, they want to go even further. They would love to violate our separation of powers even further by making that that new code of conduct for the Supreme Court go through Congress, have Congress create That code, a a very clear violation of the separation of powers, but nonetheless they, the Supreme Court, has unveiled a new code of conduct that pretty much just codifies what already exists as far as ethics rules. But that’s not what we need to talk about today. That is a a new story.
We could talk about Joe Biden’s worst, one of his worst uh violations of the Second Amendment, one of the worst actions by the ATF ruling by Rule and executive order instead of by law. Stripping the responsibility of Congress and putting it into the administrative state. We could talk about that, pistol braces being banned and now back thanks to a court that shut the ATF down and said no federal agencies don’t work that way. And in fact, we are going to circle around and talk about that in the wrap up. I think it’s something we need to talk about that you should know about, but that’s not what we going to talk about today.
What you need to know today is that the House needs to get its act together. 8 Republicans decided to vote against an effort to impeach DHS Department of Homeland Security. Wait, right. I was about to say Secretary and I just had a blank there for a moment. Forgive me. DHS, the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas has proven he is an ineffective and derelict leader Alejandro Mayorkas Has basically shunned his responsibility and has left our southern border in chaos, in disarray and and the stories that are coming out from Texas and Arizona, it’s just absolutely insane what is happening. It it’s not a porous border. It’s not a border with some issues here and there. It’s like a wide open doesn’t even exist Border the Biden administration through the leadership of Mayorkas and the DHS. Has thrown open the gates and done everything possible It seems to incentivize and to make quicker the path of illegal immigrants into the United States around the system, around laws around our existing and and operable system. Of asylum and visas, let’s just throw it all aside and let everyone in and we’ll figure it out later. That’s what has essentially happened, and this is not. A fringe opinion. In this absolute derelict of duty, these egregious failures of DHS Secretary Mayorkas are pretty well known and admitted across the board by moderates by, you know, conservatives. It’s pretty, pretty well understood. It’s not a debatable point. So representative Marjorie Taylor Green from Georgia, brought this forward to impeach Mayorkas, to impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas for these egregious failures. This dereliction of duty, which I believe his his we have never seen. Such gross negligence such it’s not even negligence. It really is purposeful. But we have never seen such gross behavior and dereliction of duty from a cabinet level position, I believe ever in the United States of America. We have reached. The level of impeachable offenses. You’re not going to do your job. You get thrown out of that job, you’re fired. That’s how this ought to. Work and yet 8 Republicans decided to join all of the Democrats in the House and vote to essentially table, to send backward to slow walk this impeachment effort rather than impeach him with a vote of the House yesterday.
And this is this is where we need to to make some things clear. This is really the what you need to know that we need to get into. Because these Eight are trying to make it seem as if they’re doing something and let me let me name the 8 here, but these eight are trying to make it seem as though ohh no, we didn’t vote against the impeachment of of Secretary Mayorkas. We’re actually voting to impeach him the right way. We want it to go back to the House Judiciary Committee so they can hold hearings and we can have. Testimony and Jim Jordan will do a wonderful job. You know what? We are It it, it was agreed upon from left to right or I shouldn’t say from left to right, from center to right across the board. Even the speaker of the House is on board with this. This vote is not rushed to this vote is not hurried. It is not without evidence. It is not without cause and yet representatives Ken Buck from Colorado, Darrell Issa from California, Tom Mcclintock from California, Patrick McHenry from North Carolina, John Duarte from California, Virginia Foxx of North Carolina Cliff Bentz from Oregon, and Mike Turner from Ohio voted to send back this impeachment effort to a committee. Now they’ll say that they advanced it, that they passed it, but the reality is they are slow walking it. Let’s be abundantly clear on what’s going on. You’ll hear Marjorie Taylor Green and a bunch of the others talking. About how they derailed this impeachment effort, how they destroyed it, how they and and you know, you might call that language hyperbolic, but it is not inaccurate.
They had the opportunity right there, this low hanging fruit for the House majority to hold accountable a cabinet level member of the administration who is not doing his job. And they failed. Eight of them ensured that the House majority failed in what would be a responsible and an account and an oversight capacity, a holding accountable of the administrative branch. They failed to allow the House majority to do that. And that is a sad statement of the effectiveness of our GOP House majority. And now, make no mistake, the vote was 209 to 201. This is not the full house, though. Were in fact 11 Democrats and 12 Republicans who did not vote on the measure. I haven’t gone and done the deep dive to find out if these folks were not in town, if they were back in their districts, if they were dealing with something, if they just couldn’t be bothered to come over and vote. I don’t know. I am not speaking to them. None of them were there and voted Present, which often can just be a way to not have to vote yes or no, but allow something to happen. Allow a vote to go the way it’s going without you having to say I voted for or against. But these 11 Democrats, 12 Republicans just simply weren’t there. They didn’t vote on the measure, and this isn’t uncommon in this time that there are votes. You know it. It happens. I’m not going to. I’m not leveling anything at these at these 12 Republicans, but the eight who voted against it. I have heard, and I have not seen anyone receive a satisfactory response as to how this is not simply slow walking and being a swamp creature to hold back what is low hanging fruit that ought to be taken care of now. That can and should be taken care of now.
That’s what you need to know. The swamp creatures are ensuring that the House Republican majority cannot be effective in their oversight and accountability measures. That is a disgraceful and a sad state of the House, this far into the year, this many spor, this many speakers into the year we must get our act together. So make no mistake, don’t let anyone lie to you. These eight Republican members of the House decided to slow walk and send backward the impeachment of a derelict member of President Biden’s cabinet. This should be easy, and they have made it not so. So for those that are saying, shame on them. You know what I tend to agree. I’m not sure what all the reasons are, and I’m sure they’ll try to give excuses left and right, but there really are none that I can see that are acceptable. The House needs to do their job. That means oversight and accountability now, that’s what you need to know today.

Come back on the other side of the break here. Like I said, we’ve got Doctor Naomi Wolfe with us today as well as Senator Tammy Nichols from the state of Idaho. And we’re going to wrap up the end of the show. I want to dive in a little bit. To this latest incursion into the into the what should we call it? The affront to the rights of Americans and a federal court rightly slapping them back. It’s a good thing we need more of it to happen. We’re going to talk about that at the end.
Come on. Right back here. Go to Get this stand alone. All of the others, and we will see you back here right after the break for Doctor Naomi Wolf and a couple more great topics on. The Pro America Report.