What You Need to Know is that Trump’s taxes are a nothingburger. The House has released the documents! The long-awaited Trump tax returns are out, and guess what? Just like we assumed, a billionaire businessman both earns and loses millions upon millions of dollars in his business endeavors. The Narrative Machine would love nothing more than to drum up controversy in this outgoing-Democrat House document dump, but just like the so-called Committee on January 6, there’s nothing there.
Ronald Kessler, former Washington Post and WSJ investigative reporter, and author of The Trump White House: Changing the Rules of the Game, talks about his latest opinion piece — Whitewashing J. Edgar Hoover’s Legacy. There’s another attempt at revisionist history by academic elites happening before our eyes, but Ron is on the hunt for the truth! Be sure to visit his website RonaldKessler.com.
Andrew Crapuchettes, Founder and CEO of the pro-freedom job board RedBalloon.work, gives us an update on finding work in the world of wokeness. How is the job market reacting as Elon Musk reveals the “Twitter files.” Is this what employees were facing everywhere? Andrew breaks it down. Check out the job board at RedBalloon.work and share with other conservatives.
What You Need to Do is use Christmas-time conversations to bring friends and family back to basics! As the media and the Narrative Machine get people worked into a frenzy, get people back into the “why” and the issues behind the news.