What You Need to Know is the Democrats, the left, care most about getting back into power. That’s what explains how in the world the biden surge is happening. It explains Chuck Schumer’s unbelievable threat issued to sitting Supreme Court justices. They are desperate to protect the Deep State and the extreme leftist issues they fight for.
John Schlafly breaks down the June Medical v. Russo case argued before the Supreme Court today, Chuck Schumer’s threat, as well as this week’s #SchlaflyReport: Bernie Scares Even Liberal Dems.
Coronavirus update: Attended briefing on virus response at the White House. Some may forget: Trump stopped travel from China AND quarantined from at-risk areas months ago. They are acting fast and smart now.
Election year truths to keep in mind: Young people just don’t show up to vote. Also, immigration is the answer — the question is how to win Pennsylvania and other key states.