For Immediate Release: July 22, 2022
Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director
New GOP-Led Congress Should Issue Legislative Pardon
Washington, D.C.: “Unsurprisingly, a D.C. jury has found Steve Bannon guilty of contempt of Congress,” said Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. “From the very inception of this illegitimate ‘committee’ and their show hearings, many conservatives have rightly mocked them and refused to comply with the dog and pony show. Steve Bannon is the first to be dragged into court for challenging their assumed power. With a D.C.-based court and jury, ‘guilty’ was the only verdict to be expected.
“Nancy Pelosi’s House is running amok with corruption and power. It’s time to right so many of their wrongs. I’m calling on the new Republican Majority that looks certain to sweep into Congress this fall to grant Bannon a legislative pardon. Steve Bannon is the latest in a long line of sufferers of political persecution and prosecution. The corrupt reign of Pelosi and her Republican capitulators must be brought to an end and accounted for.”