What You Need to Know is the impeachment actions by Nancy Pelosi and the far-left Democrat Congress is based on only their desire to hurt Trump. President Trump has faithfully upheld the Constitution. Pelosi diminishes the Constitution when she impeaches just to please the far left. The Democrat and MSM business plan is to agitate their fans and they’ll return for more. This is terrible for the country. It should be a loser for Democrats.
Journalist and author Alex Newman tells that “Top U.S. Media Outlets “Compromised” by Communist China,” and that the National Education Association is a corrupt monopoly. Check out his expose, Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children, and his important articles at The New American, Liberty Sentinel, and The Epoch Times.
Idaho state Representative Tammy Nichols (House Seat B- District 11) Eagle leader, and mom and wife, tells the priorities in Idaho’s state legislature, including reining in the governor, due to Covid actions. She explains why so many people are moving to Idaho, and what she thinks the impact of a Biden Administration would be to state sovereignty. We need to elect Constitutionally minded people, starting at the local level. Check out more of what Tammy is doing as a strong conservative legislator at Nichols for Idaho.
What You Need to Do is do your own research about the news and politics, and especially dig for primary sources, from people who are eyewitnesses. Peter Navarro is observing and recording in real time in the White House about the 2020 election irregularities. Read his two reports, THE IMMACULATE DECEPTION, and THE ART OF THE STEAL and get the facts, rather than reading the fake news spin on the 2020 election. Don’t let Fake News dictate what you think. Don’t ignore the election irregularities. We must get to the bottom of this. There is so much fake information being disseminated. Trust the truth. And trust the Word of God above all.