In What You Need to Know, Pelosi wants illegal aliens’ votes protected; Sidney Powell, author of Licensed to Lie, on what to expect from The Mueller Report; Andy Schlafly on the latest Schlafly Report entitled ISIS Bride Is Not an American Citizen; Larry Elder on spending all day on Fox News shows and why the media didn’t take Trump seriously when he first announced he was running; In Swamp News, Bill Shine out as Trump’s message man.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, dishonesty of media, presidential harassment, wall ahead of schedule, Manafort judge and lawyer, good to be an American worker, apprehending illegals, women’s unemployment down, International Women’s Day, Michael Cohen, Heather Wilson; Mark Schneider, creator of the #NewNuclearDeal; Rachel Bovard on her articles Getting the Party of Infanticide on the Record and Congress Shirks its Powers and Then Cries ‘Thief!’; Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: English Assimilation is Vital; In Your Turn, why hasn’t the president done something about birthright citizenship?; Come to the big Naples event with Sidney Powell and Dr. Gina Loudon.