In What You Need to Know, The path to socialism runs through impeachment.; Maxine Waters says for Trump ‘impeachment is the only answer’; Rachel Bovard on her articles Getting the Party of Infanticide on the Record and Congress Shirks its Powers and Then Cries ‘Thief!’; Michael Bloomberg and Hillary Clinton have announced they are not running for president; Mark Schneider, creator of the #NewNuclearDeal, on powering America for the next 10,000 years with new nuclear power plants; In Swamp News, Trump’s Grip Shows Signs of Slipping as Senate Prepares to Block Wall Emergency.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, Veterans suicide, Scott Gottlieb and the FDA, HIV, collusion, harassment; Sidney Powell, author of Licensed to Lie, on what to expect from The Mueller Report; In Heartland Heroes, Jordan Henry shares stories about This elementary school principal reads books on Facebook to ensure her students have a bedtime story and Morehouse College professor holds student’s baby so he can take notes; Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: Liberals Tell Americans ‘Who We Are’; In Your Turn, names related to the secret slush fund; caravans.