In What You Need to Know, If there is a Dem majority they will not care what the facts are; House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler says it’s ‘clear’ Trump obstructed justice, plans ‘abuse of power’ probe; Susan Ellsworth on the power of homeschooling; Dr. Brett Decker on Trump walking away from the Kim Jong Un deal; Paul Kengor on Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty, Venerable Crime Fighter; In Swamp News, MSNBC aired a documentary about the ERA on Sunday called This Happened: On Account of Sex. Ed was in the live version but is cut out of the YouTube version for some reason.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, Cohen lies for book, presidential arassment, fraudster, Kimberly Strassel; Mark Schneider will give an update on his Green Nuclear Deal later this week; Stephen Baskerville, Professor of Government at Patrick Henry College and Research Fellow at the Howard Center for Family, Religion, and Society and the Independent Institute; Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: Anniversary You Didn’t Hear About; In Your Turn,there are 2 caravans every week.