In What You Need to Know, Gov. Northam and the pro abortion movement. He is being pushed out because of his failure.;
‘There Is Going to Be a War Within the Party. We Are Going to Lean Into It.’;
Dr. Brett Decker on Trump’s staff leaking his schedule; What Governer Nothham will do next;
A preview of the State of the Union;
In Swamp News, Steyer throws brushback pitch against powerful Democratic chairman.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, Ed Gillespie by 20 points, Tiger Woods, Tiger was great,
Rachel Bovard on her article Congress Has a Little Time to Get Immigration Right
Watchdog Calls for Disclosure of Congressional Members Linked to Sexual Harassment ‘Slush Fund’;
Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: George Washington and the First Government Shutdown;
In Your Turn, Washington Post’s Super Bowl commercial.