In What You Need to Know, “Catch and return”: U.S. asylum seekers will have to wait in Mexico;
Dr. Brett Deckeron How the Europhiles are blowing up Britain;
John Schlafly on the latest Schlafly Report entitled Trump’s Christmas Echoes the One in 1776;
Federal Prosecutors Need a Watchdog, Too;
In Swamp News, Bill Barr Just Argued Himself Out of a Job.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, the wall is different, all alone in the White House, 115 mile long contract, visiting Iraq, Rand Paul’s support, helping NORAD, The FED;
What has been affected by the shut down;
In Heartland Heroes, Jordan Henry shares stories about NORAD, volunteers spread Christmas cheer with Santa Tracker and A humble weed grew in a cracked city sidewalk. Now it’s the Christmas Weed, a festive holiday destination.;
Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: The Second Most Important Christmas;
In Your Turn, PROMO CODE: MARTIN; Secrecy of President visiting a warzone;