In What You Need to Know, Paul Ryan and the RNC and NRCC failed Trump;
Jeff Session was fired today;
John Schlafly on the latest Schlafly Report entitled The Mistake of Early Voting
Kevin Sorbo on his films rating and the bias against faith based movies; Producer: My Christian Film Got Rated ‘R.’ It Has No Nudity, Sex, Bad Language, Gore, Drugs.
In Swamp News, FOX Called the House early – before polls were closed.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, voters dissaprove of Mueller investigation, Jeff Sessions gone, and tremendous success;
Will Chamberlain on Jeff Sessions’ firing;
Lame Duck Sessions – Dangers lurking;
Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: Kavanaugh a Win for Justice and the Future;
In Your Turn, listener comments on Jeff Sessions.