In What You Need to Know, The media is the enemy of “we the people”. But they showed congress failed miserably on this budget deal. And Trump has to act. And we know why Josh Hawley Voted No on the Bill; General Flynn’s sister, Barbara Redgate, on the big problem with the dumbing down of the education system, the wall, and an update on General Flynn; Sam Clovis on his history with former acting AG Matt Whitaker; Mickey Kaus on the poison pill in the bill; In Swamp News, National emergencies are common; declaring one for a border wall is not.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, @CarpeDonktum, Michael Anton, Alan Dershowitz; Mark Schneider on the #GreenNuclearDeal; Make sure to go and read Mark Schneider’s tweets about the #GreenNuclearDeal; Also check out Naval Ravikant on Twitter; Share The Ed Martin Movement with just one friend; Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: The Numbers Put Democrat Rhetoric on ICE; In Your Turn, Ed will be at CPAC.