In What You Need to Know, Ginsburg is not at oral arguments today; 312,000 Jobs Added In December, Manufacturing Growing 714% Faster Under Trump Than Obama;
Pelosi Introduces Legislation That Will Force States to Allow Convicted Felons to Vote; Rep. Steve Cohen Introduces Bills To Get Rid Of Electoral College, Stop Presidents Self-Pardoning; House leadership gives its blessing to D.C. statehood;
Dr. Brett Decker on what Trump will say when addressing the nation tomorrow night;
Lawyer Will Chamberlain on what law allows the president to build the wall without going back to congress;
In Swamp News, Editorial: While America slept, China gained a stranglehold on the Panama Canal.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, national address tomorrow, jobs numbers and fake news, non existent sources, fake news is opposition party, great military, Egypt cathedral, NYTimes on Syria, how do you impeach;
In Life of the Party, DONATE TO MISSION PRE BORN TO SAVE LIVES BY GIVING FREE ULTRASOUNDS TO WOMEN IN NEED; GERARD HOWLIN: Abortion is the final nail in our old identity’s coffin. Who are we now?;
Ginsburg misses Supreme Court arguments for the 1st time;
Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: Make Tijuana Great Again, and the White House Too;
In Your Turn, taxing Mexico’s remittances; Alabama AG asks FEC to investigate Senate race tactics.