Missouri Can Help Shift U.S. House Right, but Our Senate Needs To Hear From You!
Calling all Missouri Eagles:
I talked about this very issue on a What You Need to Know segment this week: the Boomerang Effect! Democrats cry that Republicans are so bad for using the redistricting process to shape Congress… But they do the very same gerrymandering to solidify their radical socialist agenda! We cannot let their hypocritical bravado stop us from using rightful avenues to preserve America!
You can make a difference today! Make some calls, send some emails, and come to the Rally on Monday if you can!
Please see the below information from our dear friend Bev Ehlen of Missouri Concerned Women for America.
All the best.
Ed Martin
President | Phyllis Schlafly Eagles

We need to help our Conservative Caucus Champions in the State Senate who have been advocating for the 7:1 Congressional map! We need to encourage the entire Republican caucus in our State Senate to go with the 7:1 Congressional map.
In Missouri we CAN send SEVEN Republicans to DC. We don’t have to settle for the weak 6:2 map (which will likely end up as a 5:3 map before the next census and redistricting) which the Senate is scheduled to bring up on the floor on Monday, Feb. 7 when the Senate goes into session at noon. We need to shine the light and crank up the heat!
Why? Because we need to send every Pro-life Republican to the US House of Representatives we can.
Please contact these Republican Senators and voice your opinion and encourage them to support the 7:1 map:
- Dave Schatz at 573-751-3678 and/or Dave.Schatz@senate.mo.gov
- Caleb Rowden at 573-751-3931 and/or Caleb.Rowden@senate.mo.gov
- Karla Eslinger at 573-751-1882 and/or Karla.Eslinger@senate.mo.gov
- Lincoln Hough at 573-751-2583 and/or Lincoln.Hough@senate.mo.gov
- Elaine Gannon at 573-751-4008 and/or Elaine.Gannon@senate.mo.gov
- Mike Bernskoetter 573-751-2076 and/or Mike.Bernskoetter@senate.mo.gov
- Mike Cierpiot at 573-751-1464 and/or Mike.Cierpiot@senate.mo.gov
- Jeanie Riddle at 573-751-2757 and/or Jeanie.Riddle@senate.mo.gov
- Dan Hegeman at 573-751-1415 and/or Dan.Hegeman@senate.mo.gov
- Justin Brown at 573-751-5713 and/or Justin.Brown@senate.mo.gov
- Cindy O’Laughlin at 573-751-7985 and/or Cindy.O’Laughlin@senate.mo.gov
- Paul Wieland at 573-751-1492 and/or Paul.Wieland@senate.mo.gov
- Jason Bean at 573-751-4843 and/or Jason.Bean@senate.mo.gov
- Holly Rehder at 573-751-2459 and/or Holly.Rehder@senate.mo.gov
- Sandy Crawford at 573-751-8793 and/or Sandy.Crawford@senate.mo.gov
- Bill White at 573-751-2173 and/or Bill.White@senate.mo.gov
- Tony Luetkemeyer at 573-751-2183 and/or Tony.Luetkemeyer@senate.mo.gov
You can contact these Republican Senators and thank them for advocating for the 7:1 map!
- Bob Onder 573-751-1282 and/or Bob.Onder@senate.mo.gov
- Andrew Koenig at 573-751-5568 and/or Andrew.Koenig@senate.mo.gov
- Eric Burlison 573-751-1503 and/or Eric.Burlison@senate.mo.gov
- Denny Hoskins at 573-751-4302 and/or Denny.Hoskins@senate.mo.gov
- Bill Eigel 573-751-1141 and/or Bill.Eigel@senate.mo.gov
- Mike Moon 573-751-1480 and/or Mike.Moon@senate.mo.gov
- Rick Brattin at 573-751-2108 and/or Rick.Brattin@senate.mo.gov
Date: Monday, Feb. 7
Schedule:- 10:00 a.m. Prayer Walk (meet outside Sec. of State Jay Ashcroft’s office Rm. 208)- 11:00 a.m. Briefing by Sec. Ashcroft, Sen. Bill Eigel, Sen. Bob Onder, Sen. Mike Moon. Sec. Aschroft will have tables and chairs set up outside his office on the second floor, Rm. 208.- 11:30 a.m. Grab a quick sandwich from café in the Capitol or bring sack lunch. We’ll eat at the tables outside Rm 208- 12:00 p.m. We will be dismissed to stop by one or two of the Republican Senators (we’ll work on that assignment at lunch) on our way up to the Senate Gallery where we will watch the scheduled debate/perfection of SB663 sponsored by Sen. Mike Bernskoetter (R-District 6.) This week we will be able to sit in comfy seats while we are making our presence known to the members of the Senate in the Senate Chambers.
Why We Are Advocating for a 7:1 Congressional Map
Every ten years the state legislatures are given the task to take the new census numbers for their state and draw Congressional Districts Maps that represent the people of their state while meeting certain meet criteria.
Our Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft is advocating for a 7:1 map as well as several Missouri Senators. Other Republican Senators in Missouri are willing to settle for a weak 6:2 map.
Those who are advocating for a 6:2 map refer to their fear of putting Missouri through lawsuits and the courts drawing the maps. They will quote court cases.Those arguments can be convincing. Then one hears from our Sec. of State, or from the senators who are advocating for the 7:1 map. They, too, can point to lawsuits and procedures that show that we are not at risk of letting some other entity to decide our final Congressional Map.
It basically boils down to one’s worldview. If one has a deep conviction about the sanctity of life and liberty, and smaller government, then one will stand on that as well as find the information that will back up their willingness to go the tougher route.
- Here is link to the document Sec. State Ashcroft provided regarding advocating for a 7:1 map.
- Here is the link to the letter Sec. Ashcroft wrote to the members of the Missouri General Assembly about the constitutionality of the 7:1 Congressional map.
Please share with every conservative Missourian you know! THANK YOU!
Yours for true representation of the people,
Bev Ehlen