What You Need to Know is Christian Nationalism is a scare tactic The left is on the march against any traditional Judeo Christian beliefs, i.e. what is frankly the foundation of America. They’ve taken the next logical leap from the FBI’s labeling of traditional catholics as potential “domestic terrorists.” A Politico author perfectly summed up the left’s manufactured craze over the so-called enemy of “Christian Nationalism” on an MSNBC panel last week. Her definition reveals that they’ve made up a fake name to scare people away from basic truths that literally make America what it is. Don’t fall for this cheap trick!
Dr. Sherry O’Donnell is a physician, international missionary, and candidate for the U.S. Senate in Michigan. She and Ed discuss why she is running for office: she believes this is God’s calling for her. During her mission work in New York City, she realized that what happened there cannot be allowed to happen anywhere else. Sherry and Ed also discuss the standings of both political parties in Michigan.
Gregory Wrightstone, geologist, Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition in Arlington Virginia, and author of Inconvenient Facts: The science Al Gore doesn’t want you to know, joins Ed to discuss the truth about climate change. There is no climate crisis, Wrightstone makes clear, and both the Earth and humanity are thriving and prospering. CO2 is a great molecule, and we do not need to fear it, Gregory tells Ed.
Wrap Up: McConnell to retire as GOP leader in the Senate. Republicans should now elect someone more bold and principled — not just the “next in line.”