What You Need to Know about Modern Politics. In the last couple of days, the January 6th committee has run out of steam. Here are two things to understand — 1) The Jan. 6th Committee is fading, it’s not a home run, and it’s not a big hit like they thought. 60 percent of the country doesn’t care and thinks it’s silly. But, 2) There is maybe 30 or 40 percent of Americans getting brainwashed by the Jan. 6th lies. This is very bad. It’s time to hear the full story and show all the videos and not just clips!
John Schlafly delivers the #SchlaflyReport: Pork and Injustice in Senate Gun Control Bill. John explains how the Democrats have convinced a few Republicans to join in on a package that is supposed to help prevent future shootings. This bill will not stop shootings at schools, or in other public areas, but it will impinge upon the rights of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. Find all of John’s work with his brother Andy Schlafly at PhyllisSchlafly.com.
Alex Newman, journalist, and author, talks about his run for Florida State Representative and why he’s running. Alex is one of the speakers for the Phyllis Schlafly Collegians Virtual Summit 2022, so be sure to tune in. Check out his writing at The New American, Liberty Sentinel, and The Epoch Times. See how you can support his campaign at AlexNewman4Florida.com.
101 Ways to Steal an Election AND What You Need to Do: A U.S. Congressman has pleaded guilty to election fraud — Former U.S. Congressman and Philadelphia Political Operative Pleads Guilty to Election Fraud Charges. When people plead guilty to something it usually means they made a deal cause they’ve actually done a lot more. Let’s set up a system to stop this from happening again in the future.