“Soulless” Gamer Shot Up El Paso The 21-year-old who shot up the El Paso Walmart was a “soulless” video game player. He cooperated with authorities during his interrogation afterward, and officials should release to the public his answers to … [Read more...] about “Soulless” Gamer Shot Up El Paso — August 2019
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Trump Wins by Framing the Debate — July 2019
Trump Wins by Framing the Debate Prior Republican presidents allowed their opponents and the media to set the agenda. The more liberal the past GOP president, the more he took his daily cues from television and newspapers controlled by the … [Read more...] about Trump Wins by Framing the Debate — July 2019
B-Team Dems Can Thank Hillary — June 2019
B-Team Dems Can Thank Hillary The six major women candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination were supposed to be thriving by now. Senators Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Amy Klobuchar were thought to … [Read more...] about B-Team Dems Can Thank Hillary — June 2019
ERA: All Dressed Up with No Place to Go — May 2019
ERA: All Dressed Up with No Place to Go Congress and a few state legislatures are holding staged hearings on the failed Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), a relic from the 1970s like disco music and long lines at gas stations. Almost no one wants to … [Read more...] about ERA: All Dressed Up with No Place to Go — May 2019
High Noon for Citizenship at High Court — April 2019
High Noon for Citizenship at High Court It was high drama on April 23 at the Supreme Court as the Justices heard what many consider to be the most important case of the Term. At issue is whether the upcoming 2020 census will be allowed to … [Read more...] about High Noon for Citizenship at High Court — April 2019
The High Costs of the Left’s Conspiracy Theory — March 2019
The High Costs of the Left’s Conspiracy Theory Wikipedia, a liberal website, defines “conspiracy theory” as the fear of a nonexistent conspiracy. By that definition, the theory that Donald Trump conspired with the Russians to steal the 2016 … [Read more...] about The High Costs of the Left’s Conspiracy Theory — March 2019
Never-Trumpers Harm Innocent Victims — February 2019
Never-Trumpers Harm Innocent Victims As Democrats announce their plans to run against President Trump next year, the partisan hysteria against the president grows more intense. Opposition to Trump now justifies, in the eyes of some, a vicious … [Read more...] about Never-Trumpers Harm Innocent Victims — February 2019
What’s the Hurry to End the Shutdown? — January 2019
What’s the Hurry to End the Shutdown? Government shutdowns are supposed to favor Democrats, according to conventional wisdom. All they need do, pundits pompously declare, is wait patiently until the Republican President caves into … [Read more...] about What’s the Hurry to End the Shutdown? — January 2019
The Census Should Protect Our Citizenship — November/December 2018
Trump Cemented Legacy with SCOTUS Pick — September/October 2018