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IWY: A Front for Radicals and Lesbians — August 1977
IWY: A Front for Radicals and Lesbians All the State Conferences sponsored by the National Commission on International Women's Year, and financed by some $3 million of your Federal tax money, have now been held. All that remains now is for another … [Read more...] about IWY: A Front for Radicals and Lesbians — August 1977
Cuddling Up To Caribbean Communists — July 1977
E.R.A. and the Military Academies — June 1977
Garter’s Instant Voter Registration — June 1977
What’s At Stake in The SALT Negotiations? — May 1977
Federal Financing of a Foolish Festival For Frustrated Feminists — May 1977
Federal Financing of a Foolish Festival For Frustrated Feminists $5 million of the Federal taxpayers’ money will be spent during 1977 on some 50 state conferences where, according to Chairman Bella Abzug, women will come together “to air their … [Read more...] about Federal Financing of a Foolish Festival For Frustrated Feminists — May 1977