What's Going on in the Schoolhouse? President Clinton has been bragging that the current budget deal, agreed to by the Republican Congress headed by Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott, includes the largest increase in federal … [Read more...] about What’s Going on in the Schoolhouse? — June 1997
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Protect Our Constitutional Patent Rights! — May 1997
Protect Our Constitutional Patent Rights! One of our most important constitutional rights is the right of inventors to have, for limited times, "the exclusive right to their . . . discoveries." This uniquely American … [Read more...] about Protect Our Constitutional Patent Rights! — May 1997
School-to-Work and Goals 2000 — April 1997
School-to-Work and Goals 2000 The Clinton Administration learned a big lesson from the defeat of its plan to take over the entire U.S. health care industry. Releasing its plan as a single 1,342-page bill in 1993 gave … [Read more...] about School-to-Work and Goals 2000 — April 1997
It’s Time to Hold Federal Judges Accountable — March 1997
It's Time to Hold Federal Judges Accountable Senator Orrin Hatch has taken exception to the New York Times' criticism of his record as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and he wrote a letter to the editor to … [Read more...] about It’s Time to Hold Federal Judges Accountable — March 1997
Congress Must Curb the Imperial Judiciary — February 1997
Congress Must Curb the Imperial Judiciary The most important duty of the 105th Congress is to protect America from judicial usurpation and restore our constitutional balance of powers among the three branches of our government. This goal should take … [Read more...] about Congress Must Curb the Imperial Judiciary — February 1997
Speak Up for Sovereignty and Patriotism! — January 1997
Speak Up for Sovereignty and Patriotism! Cut Off Handouts to the UN The Clinton Administration is trying to bamboozle Congress to pony up a extra billion dollars in handouts to the United Nations. Congress should … [Read more...] about Speak Up for Sovereignty and Patriotism! — January 1997
Feminist Assault on Reasonableness — December 1996
Feminist Assault on Reasonableness Twenty years after women began attending law schools in greater numbers, feminists are turning up as law school professors, law review writers, state legislators, congressional staffers, prosecutors, law … [Read more...] about Feminist Assault on Reasonableness — December 1996
Some Goals of the New World Order — November 1996
Some Goals of the New World Order The phrase "New World Order" was not invented by President George Bush, but it was popularized by him in 1990 in order to resuscitate the then-moribund United Nations and make it a sponsor of his Gulf War. Like … [Read more...] about Some Goals of the New World Order — November 1996
Poll Shows Schools Are Our #1 Worry — October 1996
Poll Shows Schools Are Our #1 Worry The Washington Post just conducted a public opinion poll to find out what are the top "worries" of Americans. The results are informative and useful to policymakers, officeholders, candidates, … [Read more...] about Poll Shows Schools Are Our #1 Worry — October 1996
Comparing the Two Party Platforms — September 1996
Comparing the Two Party Platforms It's unclear why Bill Clinton started his post-Convention campaign in Cape Girardeau, the home of Rush Limbaugh, but Rush said it best when he described Clinton's acceptance speech as an umbilical cord to the … [Read more...] about Comparing the Two Party Platforms — September 1996