Text: Getting Prepared for the 2016 Election Open Letter to Senator McConnell and Speaker Boehner: President Barack Obama proudly announced that his policies would be on the ballot in the November 4 midterm elections. He got his answer loud … [Read more...] about Getting Prepared for the 2016 Election — December 2014
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Who Will Be Nominated for President in 2016? — November 2014
Text: Who Will Be Nominated for President in 2016? The media are already speculating about who will be the Republican candidate for President in 2016. Maureen Dowd predicted that the Democratic nominee for President will be Hillary Clinton and … [Read more...] about Who Will Be Nominated for President in 2016? — November 2014
Who Killed the American Family? — October 2014
Text: Who Killed the American Family? A great deal has been written about the decline in the percentage of Americans who are living in a traditional nuclear family. It was 21 years ago that the famous scholar Charles Murray pointed out that … [Read more...] about Who Killed the American Family? — October 2014
Faulty Ideas About Marriage, Pre-K, and Feminism — September 2014
Text: Faulty Ideas About Marriage, Pre-K, and Feminism Political junkies will remember how former Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels was being groomed to run for president in 2012 before he made his foolish statement that the next president should … [Read more...] about Faulty Ideas About Marriage, Pre-K, and Feminism — September 2014
Common Core’s Growing Unpopularity — August 2014
Text: Common Core’s Growing Unpopularity The highly acclaimed school standards called Common Core are becoming so unpopular that they may soon be politically untouchable. The critics are piling on from Glenn Beck to the Wall Street Journal, … [Read more...] about Common Core’s Growing Unpopularity — August 2014
Americans Lose While Immigrants Gain — July 2014
Text: Americans Lose While Immigrants Gain American-born workers have had a net loss in jobs since 2000, while all of the job growth since then has gone to immigrants, according to a remarkable new study by the Center for Immigration … [Read more...] about Americans Lose While Immigrants Gain — July 2014
Growing Rejection of Common Core — June 2014
Text: Growing Rejection of Common Core The most controversial current issue in education today is clearly Common Core. It’s being more hotly debated than bullying, zero tolerance, sex ed, abortion, or even school lunches. Common Core is the … [Read more...] about Growing Rejection of Common Core — June 2014
Unmasking the Imperial Presidency — May 2014
Text: Unmasking the Imperial Presidency “Imperial Presidency” perfectly describes what the Obama Administration has become as it increasingly violates the limits on its power defined by the U.S. Constitution. Criticisms of how President Obama … [Read more...] about Unmasking the Imperial Presidency — May 2014
What College Tuition Is Paying For — April 2014
Text: What College Tuition Is Paying For Confronting Campus Radicals David Horowitz thinks that anybody who cares about the future of America should confront the fact that U.S. colleges and universities are the fountainhead of financing for … [Read more...] about What College Tuition Is Paying For — April 2014
Obama Core Is Another Power Grab — March 2014
Text: Obama Core Is Another Power Grab Americans were shocked at the dictatorial grab for power when Barack Obama threatened to change any law with his pen or phone, and even used that power to personally alter Obamacare and the Welfare law, … [Read more...] about Obama Core Is Another Power Grab — March 2014