One of Phyllis Schlafly’s greatest strengths was her ability to work on an array of issues at one time. Many public policy organizations, though great allies of the conservative movement, pick a specific issue to monitor and promote. Phyllis … [Read more...] about Looking Back To The ‘Government of Tomorrow’
We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Phyllis Schlafly Report by re-releasing Phyllis’s finest reports and connecting them to today’s hottest issues. Jordan Henry, Director of Research for the Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund, releases a new article in this exciting series every Thursday. Over fifty years of publication, Phyllis wrote about nearly every topic across the political spectrum. As we look through these important pieces of history, we will see arguments and insight that is just as timely today as it was when it was written.
The Unknown Clause That Caused ‘A Tremendous Explosion of Human Energy’
America has long been a haven of innovation in the free market. American inventors through the years have looked to Article I Section 8 of our U.S. Constitution and its protection of their “exclusive Right to their respective Writings and … [Read more...] about The Unknown Clause That Caused ‘A Tremendous Explosion of Human Energy’
Feminists Care About ‘Only the Feminists’
The success of President Trump’s campaign could be summed up by a single statement from his inaugural address: “The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. Everyone is listening to you now.” Liberals claim to speak for … [Read more...] about Feminists Care About ‘Only the Feminists’
Ending ‘Divisive and Wasteful’ Rhetoric
As a result of his pro-America positions and strong leadership, President Trump has been given all manner of bad labels, including racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe, and so many more. His rhetoric is labeled as incendiary, hateful, and patently false. … [Read more...] about Ending ‘Divisive and Wasteful’ Rhetoric
Ending ‘Divisive and Wasteful’ Rhetoric
As a result of his pro-America positions and strong leadership, President Trump has been given all manner of bad labels, including racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe, and so many more. His rhetoric is labeled as incendiary, hateful, and patently false. … [Read more...] about Ending ‘Divisive and Wasteful’ Rhetoric
Freedom or Socialism, the ‘Real Issue’ of Health Care
As the battle on Obamacare continues to rage in the halls of Congress, the well of wisdom found in the Phyllis Schlafly Report can give decisive direction to critical conservatives. The July 1994 issue talks about Hillary Clinton’s botched attempt at … [Read more...] about Freedom or Socialism, the ‘Real Issue’ of Health Care
The ‘Most Fulfilling Thing’ Phyllis Schlafly Ever Did
For someone as accomplished as Phyllis Schlafly, the question “What’s the most fulfilling thing you’ve ever done?” carries a lot of weight to it. The answer, which was given in the March 1994 Phyllis Schlafly Report aptly … [Read more...] about The ‘Most Fulfilling Thing’ Phyllis Schlafly Ever Did
OBE: ‘Success in Mediocrity’
Liberals are experts at labeling terrible programs with deceptively positive titles. No greater example could be found of this malpractice than in education. While claiming to empower underachieving children to learn, they actually bring down all … [Read more...] about OBE: ‘Success in Mediocrity’
Radio Live: Alex Newman On Takedown Of America, Rebekah Gantner, Jordan Henry NWO Wants Your Kids
Alex Newman from the New American discusses the takedown of America currently underway. -Rebekah Gantner reports from Inside The Beltway in DC. Jordan Henry highlights from 50 Years of PS Reports - New World Order Wants Your Kids. … [Read more...] about Radio Live: Alex Newman On Takedown Of America, Rebekah Gantner, Jordan Henry NWO Wants Your Kids
“Dictatorial Control” Packaged As Children’s Rights
Globalism, for all of its big money backers and high-power promoters, is not appealing to the average American. Americans love freedom, liberty, and national sovereignty. As Phyllis might put it, globalism does not play in Peoria. Unfortunately, the … [Read more...] about “Dictatorial Control” Packaged As Children’s Rights