When liberals know they do not have a real argument to give on an issue, they overcome that gap in logic by tacking the suffix “phobia” on a word and turning it into an insult. If you want America to control her borders, you have xenophobia. If you … [Read more...] about Confronting the Feminists’ ‘Fatherphobia’
We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Phyllis Schlafly Report by re-releasing Phyllis’s finest reports and connecting them to today’s hottest issues. Jordan Henry, Director of Research for the Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund, releases a new article in this exciting series every Thursday. Over fifty years of publication, Phyllis wrote about nearly every topic across the political spectrum. As we look through these important pieces of history, we will see arguments and insight that is just as timely today as it was when it was written.
Liberals Still ‘Really Don’t Like Our Constitutional Process’
Sometimes the biggest problem plaguing conservatives is that we do not have the same mentality that liberals have. We see politics like a game of football. We laud the importance of “keeping our eye on the ball” so that we can score a “touchdown” in … [Read more...] about Liberals Still ‘Really Don’t Like Our Constitutional Process’
Establishment is Still ‘Tone Deaf’ to Border War
A fable is told of a young Dutch boy who saved his country by plugging a hole in a dike with his finger. As the story goes, had the leak not been stopped, the hole would have gotten larger and eventually broken the entire dike. The United States … [Read more...] about Establishment is Still ‘Tone Deaf’ to Border War
The ‘Pro-America Principle’ of National Sovereignty
American sovereignty is one of the foremost issues of our day. From the dawn of time, nations have been defined by their ability to control a distinct geographical region and the natural resources therein. If a nation does not look after its own … [Read more...] about The ‘Pro-America Principle’ of National Sovereignty
America Prevails Over ‘the Lawsuit to Censor God’
The essence of judicial supremacy is the idea that an individual or small group of unelected lawyers could unilaterally decide to change the law against all precedent and the will of the American people. That idea is not only dangerous to … [Read more...] about America Prevails Over ‘the Lawsuit to Censor God’
Judicial Supremacy and the ‘Anti-Marriage Campaign’
The extensive archive of the Phyllis Schlafly Report spanning more than fifty years provides a detailed directory of Phyllis Schlafly’s policy positions and predictions throughout decades of time. One of those predictions came in December 2003 … [Read more...] about Judicial Supremacy and the ‘Anti-Marriage Campaign’
The Man Who Made ‘Our Unique American Holiday’
It goes without saying that we Americans have a lot to be thankful for. For starters, we live in the greatest nation on the planet. Let’s also not forget that we enjoy the freedom and liberty secured in our unprecedented United States Constitution. … [Read more...] about The Man Who Made ‘Our Unique American Holiday’
Remembering An ‘Act of War’
Years before Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and days before the horrific attacks on American soil known as 9/11, the September 2001 Phyllis Schlafly Report went to press warning Americans of the dangers of being soft on the issue of … [Read more...] about Remembering An ‘Act of War’
A ‘Slick Media Event’ Shrouds the Facts on Guns
When a Clinton-backed group called the Million Moms March tried to use the gimmick of mothers distraught by children’s access to guns, the true voice of America’s mothers could not help but speak up. Cutting through the deception and misinformation … [Read more...] about A ‘Slick Media Event’ Shrouds the Facts on Guns
‘Fed Up’ With Clinton Hypocrisy
If there is one phrase to describe Americans today, it would be the phrase “fed up.” After two terms of a liberal president who lies to the American people and apologizes to every nation for our being the best nation in history, we want a … [Read more...] about ‘Fed Up’ With Clinton Hypocrisy