What You Need to Know is the Civil War on the left continues. The field is slimming and they are rapidly falling in line. The DNC is lining up the people to block Bernie. So how can it be that Biden still in it? He’s the most malleable of them all. … [Read more...] about The Pro America Report — 03/02/2020
The Ed Martin Movement 2/28/20
Cabot Phillips of CampusReform.org tells us about their work across the nation and how we can affect change in our colleges and universities. Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire stops by broadcast road to talk to us about … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 2/28/20
The Ed Martin Movement 2/27/20
Matt Locke of the Matt Locke Show joins at CPAC to tell us about Trump rallies and the Democratic primary. Jeff Brain joins us to talk about his next-generation social network called CloutHub. In the wake of shadowbanning and … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 2/27/20
The Ed Martin Movement 2/26/20
What You Need to Know is the coronavirus crisis is the newest reason for us to stand up to China and decouple from them permanently. Also, don’t forget to sign up at EdMartinLive.com to get the daily WYNK email every morning with headlines … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 2/26/20
The Ed Martin Movement 2/25/20
What You Need to Know is the Democrat disaster continues. From old timer Joe to old comrade Bernie, the Democrat primary (like their party) is falling into disarray and chaos. If the Dems end up with a brokered convention (which is the only way they … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 2/25/20
The Ed Martin Movement 2/24/20
A look at the week ahead, including live from CPAC. Also, Andrea Kaye talks about the coronavirus. It’s getting out of hand. What’s happening? Dr. Robert Spalding, retired Brig. General (USAF) and author of Stealth War, tells … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 2/24/20
The Ed Martin Movement 2/21/20
What You Need to Know is the Democrat Primary is a total mess. Bloomberg is a hot mess. Elizabeth Warren is in favor of ending girls’ sports. Here’s the trick: we need to listen to people. Let’s try listening to people’s gripes (especially … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 2/21/20
The Ed Martin Movement 2/20/20
What You Need to Know is Trump should Pardon Roger Stone’s unjust sentence. We need POTUS to use his constitutional power to right this wrong! This is a war against the Deep State. Ned Ryun, politico and author of Restoring Our Republic, … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 2/20/20
The Ed Martin Movement 2/19/20
What You Need to Know is Chinese communist government has lost control of the coronavirus. They’re also expelling journalists. Also, the latest Democratic debate confirms both the Bloomberg boom AND bust. They pushed him on his record at his … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 2/19/20
The Ed Martin Movement 2/18/20
What You Need to Know Trump is using his executive powers to teach us about the Constitution, and he also teaches us about pardons and forgiveness. Plus, Bernie is surging, and the DNC is reeling to try and steal the election from him again. The … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 2/18/20