What You Need to Know is the playbook of the left! Georgia passed a law to give Georgians more confidence in their election system. The CEO of delta released a letter saying that he objects to this law that passed and other major groups like PGA, and … [Read more...] about Playbook of the Left | 04.01.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Insurrection Narrative is Falling Apart | 03.31.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is the Narrative Machine’s “January 6 Insurrection” story is falling apart. They crafted a fantasy that the MAGA rally was terrible, that all who attended it are insurrectionists, and that there was so much violence and many … [Read more...] about Insurrection Narrative is Falling Apart | 03.31.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Plan Behind the Narrative Machine | 03.30.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is the plan behind the narrative machine! The narrative machine is the dominant storytelling enterprise of America. It’s made up of 3 parts — 1) Big tech, 2) Big Media, and 3) Big government. This group of entities has come … [Read more...] about Plan Behind the Narrative Machine | 03.30.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Election Power Grab | 03.27.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is the power grab over our elections. Biden’s first press conference was total kabuki theater. The whole event was totally prepared — he had the reporters names and pictures, the questions, and the answers. There was nothing … [Read more...] about Election Power Grab | 03.27.2021 #ProAmericaReport
One-Term Presidents Only? | 03.26.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is we may never again have a two-term president. The era of Big Tech requires scandal and exaggeration, so even the chosen leftist candidates may not be immune from the wrath of the “censors.” Joe Biden’s press conference today … [Read more...] about One-Term Presidents Only? | 03.26.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Fight the Narrative Machine | 03.25.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is we need to fight our way through the narrative machine! The Narrative Machine is comprised of three parts 1) Big Tech, 2) Big Media, and 3) Big Government. All these parts are working together to push a false narrative like … [Read more...] about Fight the Narrative Machine | 03.25.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Narrative Machine is in Overdrive | 03.24.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is the narrative machine is always ready to go into overdrive! America witnessed a terrible tragedy this week when a man killed 10 people at a grocery store in Colorado. Mass shootings are terrible but sadly they are always used … [Read more...] about Narrative Machine is in Overdrive | 03.24.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Stop Insanity at the Border | 03.23.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is there’s a big problem at the border! The Biden Administration’s border policy is no adults allowed, only unaccompanied minors. Remember, the Mexican cartel controls the border on the Mexican side. These policy incentives and … [Read more...] about Stop Insanity at the Border | 03.23.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Under Assault By China | 03.20.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is there are 2 things from this week worth understanding — 1) We are under assault from the Chinese communist regime and the leaders who are supposed to defend us are not doing their job! We see this clearly from the meeting in … [Read more...] about Under Assault By China | 03.20.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Narrative Machine Divides Us | 03.19.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is the narrative machine is at it again! The dots are connecting and what they are doing is really sick. It’s causing real problems in our country. America saw a terrible tragedy in Atlanta, Georgia, this week when a 21-year-old … [Read more...] about Narrative Machine Divides Us | 03.19.2021 #ProAmericaReport