What You Need to Know is Joe Biden is a disgraceful liar. It’s completely insane to me that he could stand in the hallowed halls of our republic and so blatantly lie to America. Labeling the protests on January 6 as a murderous, armed insurrection … [Read more...] about Joe Biden is a Disgraceful Liar | 04.30.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Big Tech, Big Media, Big Gov Are Well Operated | 04.29.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is Big Tech, Big Media, & Big Government are well operated! Their goal is to shape what you hear every day to make you believe what they want you to believe. Rudy Giuliani had his home raided to get access to information on … [Read more...] about Big Tech, Big Media, Big Gov Are Well Operated | 04.29.2021 #ProAmericaReport
The Good Side of the Pandemic | 04.28.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is the good side of the pandemic. Despite the rapid acceleration of the “cult” of science and Dr. Fauci, Americans are questioning and pushing back against the Narrative Machine. Despite all the knowledge of the world at our … [Read more...] about The Good Side of the Pandemic | 04.28.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Focus on 2021, not 2022! | 04.27.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is Focus on 2021, not 2022! Which states are gaining House seats in 2022 — and which are losing out. The process of redrawing America’s political maps probably won’t start until later this year. This means, the states … [Read more...] about Focus on 2021, not 2022! | 04.27.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Citizen Activists On the Move | 04.24.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is citizens are standing up for freedom! Steve Maxwell of County Citizens Defending Freedomtalks about their work to build an army of activists at the local level to make change in government. Their model is currently being … [Read more...] about Citizen Activists On the Move | 04.24.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Make the Big Deal The Big Deal | 04.23.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is Make the Big Deal The Big Deal! What does that mean? It means don’t get distracted by what’s happening. If you’re watching cable news then you’re being pushed around to believe things you shouldn’t. This is just a distraction … [Read more...] about Make the Big Deal The Big Deal | 04.23.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Standing for Truth Comes at a Cost | 04.22.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is Standing up for truth comes at a cost. The Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity Act is forcing Christian colleges across the country to violate their religious beliefs. College of the Ozarks in Missouri is standing … [Read more...] about Standing for Truth Comes at a Cost | 04.22.2021 #ProAmericaReport
America Watches Chauvin Trial Verdict | 04.21.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is America is watching the Chauvin trial! No matter the outcome from the Chauvin trial, there’s a 50/50 chance for rioting. Maxine Waters should be removed from office because she has encouraged violence and destruction. Also, … [Read more...] about America Watches Chauvin Trial Verdict | 04.21.2021 #ProAmericaReport
The Importance of Free Speech | 04.20.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is the importance of free speech! Mike Lindell, founder of MyPillow.com, is rolling out a new platform called Frankspeech.com. He’s hosting a 48-hour telethon as he launches this new social media platform. Over 30 … [Read more...] about The Importance of Free Speech | 04.20.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Big Tech and Big Media vs We the People | 04.17.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is it’s Big Tech and Big Media vs We the People. Project Veritas’s latest undercover reporting laid bare that CNN is a partisan operation — not news, not facts, just a political tool. Big Media: reveled. Big Tech’s … [Read more...] about Big Tech and Big Media vs We the People | 04.17.2021 #ProAmericaReport