Paraphrasing Shakespeare, To build, or not to build; that is the question. Will the Bush Administration build a fence to secure our southern border, or are we being bamboozled with sound and fury, signifying nothing? Conflicting news stories have … [Read more...] about To Build Or Not To Build The Fence
Commemorating the Hungarian Revolution
This month we commemorate the 50th anniversary of one of history's most momentous events. With hindsight, we can now see that the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 started the unraveling of Soviet Communism that finally came to pass in 1991. The … [Read more...] about Commemorating the Hungarian Revolution
Congressmen Need Tutorials On The Constitution
Some federal employees are griping because a new law requires them to take a 25-minute tutorial on the U.S. Constitution. Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-WV) sponsored this law, along with a similar law requiring every public school to "hold an … [Read more...] about Congressmen Need Tutorials On The Constitution
Conservatives on the March for Private Property
Grassroots conservatives are again asserting themselves forcefully and effectively against governmental impudence. Having defeated the Harriet Miers Supreme Court nomination and the Dubai Ports sellout, conservatives are now flexing their muscles … [Read more...] about Conservatives on the March for Private Property
Education Experts Wrong; Parents Right
It took parents 17 years to overturn the tragic 1989 curriculum mistake made by the so-called education experts who demanded that schools abandon traditional mathematics in favor of unproven approaches. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics … [Read more...] about Education Experts Wrong; Parents Right
Look Out For Supremacist Judges on Lower Federal Courts
Each year the Supreme Court grants fewer and fewer petitions for "cert," or review, and now hears only about half the cases it heard 25 years ago. This means that many lower federal court decisions are final. Because lower-court federal … [Read more...] about Look Out For Supremacist Judges on Lower Federal Courts
Laughing At Restraining Orders
Borrowing the title of a famous George Gershwin ditty, "they all laughed" when a Santa Fe, New Mexico family court judge granted a temporary restraining order (TRO) against TV talk show host David Letterman to protect a woman he had never … [Read more...] about Laughing At Restraining Orders
Is America For Sale?
Conservatives believe that private industry does a better job than government; right? Conservatives are for divesting some government functions so private industry can run them more efficiently; right? Many state and local governments take this idea … [Read more...] about Is America For Sale?
Patrick Buchanan’s Challenge to Americans
What is the United States of America? Is it merely an accident of geography, or a job market for the world, or a multiethnic, multilingual lot of people who agreed (more or less, and probably temporarily) to live under a Constitution? Those aren't … [Read more...] about Patrick Buchanan’s Challenge to Americans
The NAFTA Super Highway
It's not just American ports that are fast slipping into foreign ownership; it's highways, too. A Spanish company, Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte, S.A., has bought the right to operate a tollroad through Texas and … [Read more...] about The NAFTA Super Highway