Those who seek to understand what's behind the chatter about Bush's Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) as a possible prelude to a North American Union (NAU), similar to the European Union (EU), should read the 35-page White Paper … [Read more...] about Scholars Explain Bush’s SPP
Advice To College Students: Don’t Major In English
The bad news is that Shakespeare has disappeared from required courses in English departments at more than three-fourths of the top 25 U.S. universities, but the good news is that only 1.6 percent of America's 19 million undergraduates major in … [Read more...] about Advice To College Students: Don’t Major In English
Sink The Law Of The Sea Again
With all the critical problems facing America today, it's hard to see why President Bush is wasting whatever is left of his presidential clout to partner with Democratic presidential candidate Senator Joe Biden (DE) to try to get the Senate to … [Read more...] about Sink The Law Of The Sea Again
Two Dubai-Ports/Harriet Miers Moments Coming
It looks like we will soon have two more Dubai-Ports/Harriet Miers moments. President Bush has climbed out on the edge of a limb and it is about to get sawed off because he is clearly flouting the wishes of the American people. While Bush was using … [Read more...] about Two Dubai-Ports/Harriet Miers Moments Coming
Self-Government Is In Peril From The SPP
It's now leaking out that there was more going on than met the eye at the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) Summit in Montebello, Canada in August. The three amigos, Bush, Harper and Calderon, finalized and released the "North … [Read more...] about Self-Government Is In Peril From The SPP
Bush Refuses To Deny The North American Agenda
The three-nation summit at Montebello, Quebec, was held behind closed doors, well guarded behind an intimidating fence and plenty of police, but the news conference that followed on August 21 revealed more than the three heads of state had planned. … [Read more...] about Bush Refuses To Deny The North American Agenda
The Latest Fad In Public Schools
Every few years a new fad sweeps across the public schools. We've had self-esteem, new math, whole language, New Age, outcome-based education, school-to-work, mental health screening, school-based clinics, global education, diversity, … [Read more...] about The Latest Fad In Public Schools
The NEA Lists Its Goals And Democrats Agree
Some critics have complained that the issue of education has been conspicuously absent from presidential television debates. But the Democratic candidates did sound off with their pro-federal-government, pro-spending policies when addressing the … [Read more...] about The NEA Lists Its Goals And Democrats Agree
Americans Need China-Free Food
The scandal of imported products from Communist China has accelerated to a level that the public should demand "China-free" labels on anything that goes into a mouth. This includes not only food, vitamins and medicines but toothpaste and … [Read more...] about Americans Need China-Free Food
Plans for Economic Integration
Canada in the summer and Mexico in the spring offer good weather for planning international policies. Nervousness about the political weather, however, is putting the third Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) summit on August 20-21 at a site … [Read more...] about Plans for Economic Integration