Why are questions about Communist China asked only in the Democratic presidential debates? We want to know what the Republican candidates plan to do about China sending us poisoned foods and toys. All presidential candidates should be asked what … [Read more...] about Questions Republican Candidates Should Answer
To Assimilate Or Not To Assimilate; That’s The Question
Are you tired of anonymous voices on the phone telling you to “Press 1 (or sometimes 2) for English"? The ability to speak and communicate in English is the litmus test of whether our immigrants are assimilating into the American culture … [Read more...] about To Assimilate Or Not To Assimilate; That’s The Question
Atheism Back in Court Again
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on December 4 will again hear a challenge by Michael Newdow to the Pledge of Allegiance and its phrase "under God." Newdow won his prior lawsuit against the Pledge until the Supreme Court, … [Read more...] about Atheism Back in Court Again
Feminist Abuse of Domestic Violence Laws
The radical feminists have devised a scheme to cash in on a flow of taxpayers' money in a big way. Their good buddy Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE) has just introduced a bill called I-VAWA (International Violence Against Women Act, S. 2279). I-VAWA … [Read more...] about Feminist Abuse of Domestic Violence Laws
Bad New Plans to Rewrite the Constitution
Let's face it. Some people, especially liberals, just don't like our United States Constitution. Every few years, they come up with wild or devious plans to make major changes. The would-be rewriters of the Constitution do not merely propose … [Read more...] about Bad New Plans to Rewrite the Constitution
What Republicans Want In A Presidential Candidate
The media have designated the frontrunners for Republican and Democratic nominations for President and seem to expect American voters to line up behind one of them right now even though the national nominating conventions won't take place until … [Read more...] about What Republicans Want In A Presidential Candidate
Let’s Protect American Jobs
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is an old verse that just isn't true. Indeed, words can hurt, break up marriages, destroy careers, and defeat political candidates. Even words out of one's own … [Read more...] about Let’s Protect American Jobs
The Patent Act Is A Cheat On Americans
When displaced American workers complain about outsourcing U.S. manufacturing jobs to take advantage of cheap Chinese factory labor, and about insourcing low-paid Asians on H-1B visas to take engineering and computer jobs, the globalists and … [Read more...] about The Patent Act Is A Cheat On Americans
Supreme Court Case Proves
A case now before the Supreme Court proves why the Senate must defeat the United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty (known as LOST). The oral arguments heard this month by the justices didn't mention the treaty, but the parallels are powerful. The … [Read more...] about Supreme Court Case Proves
Dream Act Is Backdoor Amnesty
The American people rose up out of their usual apathy this year and soundly defeated the Bush-Kennedy-McCain-Kyl bill to give amnesty to illegal aliens. Now, some Senators are trying to get Congress to pass a backdoor amnesty by calling it the DREAM … [Read more...] about Dream Act Is Backdoor Amnesty